Neal B. Gallagher, Ph.D.
Vice-President, Eigenvector Research, Inc.
Manson, WA 98831, USA
Orcid: 0000-0003-3446-2820
Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, Mathematics minor, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 1992
M.S. Chemical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 1987
B.S. Chemical Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 1985
B.S. Engineering Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 1985
Research Interests:
Chemometrics; multivariate calibration and analysis; multivariate curve resolution; process modeling and fault detection; multivariate image analysis; on-line application of advanced chemometrics; process analytical; environmental maintenance and sensing; MATLAB.
January 1995–present, Vice President and Co-Founder, Eigenvector Research, Inc., Manson, Washington; Eigenvector Research provides state of the art in chemometrics consulting, research, development, and applications. Consultation has included projects in process monitoring and fault detection for chemical and semi-conductor processes; sensing in medical, biological, and environmental systems; and applications using spectroscopic methods, sensor arrays, multiple sensor types with sensor fusion, and hyperspectral image analysis. Projects have included the successful deployment of sensor systems. Teaching has included Eigenvector University and dozens of short courses in chemometrics. Co-author of PLS_Toolbox, Solo, EMSC_Toolbox, MIA_Toolbox advanced chemometrics software for use with MATLAB used by scientists and engineers world-wide.
September 2002–January 2003, Research Sabbatical, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials. Research in multivariate image analysis, included teaching.
June 1994-March 1995, Postdoctoral Fellow, Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington; Chemometrics analysis.
August 1992-January 1994, Research Chemical Engineer, Bend Research, Inc., Bend, Oregon; Membrane-based separations.
September 1987-March 1992, Research Assistant, Dept. of Chem. Engr., University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona; Combustion generated aerosols with gas-phase reactions and teaching assistant.
September 1985-March 1987, Research Assistant, Dept. of Chem. Engr., University of Washington, Seattle, Washington; Polyimide based composites and teaching assistant.
June-August 1986, Applications Chemist, DuPont Instrument Systems Division, Wilmington, Delaware; Thermal analysis.
January 1984-May 1985, Undergraduate Researcher, Dept. of Chem. Engr., University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado; Membrane formation and teaching assistant.
June-August 1984, Chemical Engineer, Bend Research, Inc., Bend, Oregon; Membrane-based separations.
June-August 1983, Laboratory Assistant, National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colorado.
June-August 1982, Laboratory Assistant, Nuclear Physics Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado.
Honors and Awards:
2018, winner for best image on a poster, IASIM; 2013, 2013, R&D 100 Contributor (NevadaNano); 1995, Gordon Research Conference on Statistics in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Beginning Researcher Award; 1994, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory; 1988, Graduate Academic Scholarship, Univ of Arizona; 1987, Graduate College Fellowship, Univ of Arizona; 1985, Outstanding Presentation of Graduate Student Paper SW and Rocky Mountain Div. of AAAS; 1985, AIChE Senior Award for Professional Promise, Univ of Colorado; 1985, Associated Engineering Students Outstanding Achievement Award, Univ of Colorado; 1985, Omega Chi Epsilon Award, Univ of Colorado; 1984, Vulcan Material Scholarship, Univ of Colorado.
Professional Organizations and Activities:
Sigma Xi, Full Member (since 1985- life memeber); AAAS (since 1985); Society of Applied Spectroscopy (since 2012); IFPAC2020 Chem/Petro co-chair, IASIM2018 co-chair; Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry conference co-chair (2002), permanent committee; nternational Association for Spectral Imaging conference scientific committee (since 2010); Tau Beta Pi, Engineering Honor Society, Pres and Vice Pres, Univ. of Colo.; Omega Chi Epsilon, Chem. Engr. Honor Society, Vice Pres, Univ. of Colo.; National Honor Society., ND state Pres. and chapter Vice Pres. Lake Chelan Nordic Club (since 1999)
Highlighted Papers:
Gallagher, N.B., Goyetche, R., Manuel Amigo Rubio, J., Kucheryavskiy S., “Extended Least Squares (ELS) and Generalized Least Squares (GLS) for Clutter Suppression in Hyperspectral Imaging: A Theoretical Discussion,” Chemometr. Intell. Lab., 244 105032 (2024). doi: 10.1016/j.chemolab.2023.105032.
Schneide, P.-A., Bro, R., Gallagher, N.B., “Shift-Invariant Tri-linearity – A new model for resolving untargeted GC-MS data”, J. Chemom., 37(8) (2023); e3501. doi: 10.1002/cem.3501.
Gallagher, N.B., “A Comparison of Common Factor-Based Methods for Hyperspectral Image Exploration – PCA, MAF, MNF and MDF”, J. Spec. Imag., 11, Article ID a 6 (2022).
Gallagher, N.B., “Classical Least Squares for Detection and Classification,” in Hyperspectral Imaging, Vol 32 (Data Handling in Science and Technology) 1st Ed, J. Manuel Amigo editor, Elsevier; 231–246, 2019. ISBN: 9780444639776.
Myers, T.L., Johnson, T.J., Gallagher, N.B., Bernacki, B.E., Beiswenger, T.N., Szecsody, J.E. Tonkyn, R.G., Ashley M. Oeck, A.M., Su,Y.-F., Danby, T.O., “Hyperspectral Imaging of Minerals in the Longwave Infrared: The Use of Laboratory Directional-Hemispherical Reference Measurements for Field Exploration Data,” J Appl Remote Sens, 13(3), 034527 (2019). DOI: 10.1117/1.JRS.13.034527.
Gallagher, N.B., Shaver, J.M., Bishop, R., Roginski, R.T., Wise, B.M., “Decompositions with Maximum Signal Factors,” J. Chemometr., 28(8), 663-671 (2014), DOI: 10.1002/cem.2634.
Chapters and Patents:
Gallagher, N.B., “Classical Least Squares for Detection and Classification,” in Hyperspectral Imaging, Vol 32 (Data Handling in Science and Technology) 1st Ed, J. Manuel Amigo editor, Elsevier, 231-246, 2019. ISBN: 9780444639776,
Gallagher, N. B., Detection, Classification and Quantification in Hyperspectral Images using Classical Least Squares Models. In Techniques and Applications of Hyperspectral Image Analysis; Grahn, H. F., Geladi, P., Eds. John Wiley & Sons: West Sussex, England, 181-201, 2007. ISBN: 978-0-470-01087-7,
Harvey, K.C., Hosch, J.W., Gallagher, N.B., and Wise, B.M., “System and method for determining endpoint in etch processes using partial least squares discriminant analysis in the time domain of optical emission spectra,” US Patent No. 6,830,939; Dec. 14 (2004).
Huffman, G.P., Shah, A. D., Shah, N., Zhao, J., Huggins, F. E., Helble, J. J., Srinivasachar, Srivats, Peterson, T. W., Wendt, J. O. L., Gallagher, N. B., Bool, L. E., Sarofim, A. F., “Investigation of Ash by Microscopic and Spectroscopic Techniques”, in The Impact of Ash Deposition On Coal Fired Plants, Proceedings of the Engineering Foundation Conference Held at the St. John’s Swallow Hotel, Solihull, England, 1st ed., Routledge,1994. doi: 10.1201/9780203736616.
Forland, B.M., Gallagher, N.B., Johnson, T.J., “Application of automated iterative target detection for standoff hyperspectral imaging,” J. Appl. Remote Sens., 19(1), 016509 (2025). DOI: 10.1117/1.JRS.19.016509.
Schneide, P.-A., Armstrong, M., Bro, R., Gallagher, N.B., “Unlocking new capabilities in the analysis of GC×GC-TOFMS data with shift-invariant multi-linearity,” J. Chemom., 39(1) / e3623 (2025). doi: 10.1002/cem.3623.
Hughey, K., Gallagher, N., Zhao, Y., Thakur, N., Bradley, A., Koster van Groos, P., Johnson, T., “PFAS Remediation: Evaluating the Infrared Spectra of Complex Gaseous Mixtures to Determine the Efficacy of Thermal Decomposition of PFAS,” Chemosphere. 362 142631 (2024). doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2024.142631.
Schneide, P.-A. Bro, R., Gallagher, N.B., “Shift invariant soft tri-linearity: Modelling shifts and shape changes in gas-chromatography coupled mass spectrometry,” Chemometr. Intell. Lab., 251, 105155 (2024). doi: 10.1016/j.chemolab.2024.105155.
Fricke, S.N., Salgado, M., Menezes, T., Costa Santos, K.M., Gallagher, N.B., Song, A.-Y., Wang, J., Engler, K., Wang, Y., Mao, H., Reimer, J.A., “Multivariate machine learning models of nanoscale porosity from ultrafast NMR relaxometry,” Angewandte Chemie (2024), e202316664, doi: 10.1002/anie.202316664.
Gallagher, N.B., Goyetche, R., Manuel Amigo Rubio, J., Kucheryavskiy S., “Extended Least Squares (ELS) and Generalized Least Squares (GLS) for Clutter Suppression in Hyperspectral Imaging: A Theoretical Discussion,” Chemometr Intell. Lab., 244 105032 (2024) doi: 10.1016/j.chemolab.2023.105032.
Moeini, B., Linford, J.M., Gallagher, N., Linford, M.R., “Surface Analysis Insight Note: An Example of a Cluster Analysis (CA) of Spectra from an X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Image,” Surf. Interface Anal., 56(2), 73-81 (2023).
Moeini, B., Gallagher, N., Linford, M.R., “Surface Analysis Insight Note: Multivariate curve resolution of an X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy image,” Surf. Interface Anal., 55(12), 853-858 (2023).
Moeini, B., Avval, T.G., Gallagher, N., Linford, M.R., “Surface Analysis Insight Note. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of an X‐ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Image. The Importance of Preprocessing.” Surf. Interface Anal., 55(11), 798-807 (2023).
Schneide, P.-A., Bro, R., Gallagher, N.B., “Shift-invariant tri-linearity — A new model for resolving untargeted gas chromatography coupled mass spectrometry data,” J. Chemom., 37(8) (2023); e3501.
Thompson, C., Gallagher, N.B., Hughey, K.D., Dunlap, M.K., Meyers, T.L., Johnson, T.J., “An interactive spectral analysis tool for chemical identification and quantification of gas-phase species,” Appl. Spectrosc., 77(6), 557-568 (2023),
Avval, T., Gallagher, N., Morgan, D., Bargiela, P., Fairley, N., Fernandez, V., Linford, M., “Practical Guide on Chemometrics/Informatics in X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), Part 1: Introduction to Methods Useful for Large or Complex Data Set”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A, 40(6), (2022).
Avval, T., Haack, H., Gallagher, N., Morgan, D., Bargiela, P., Fairley, N., Fernandez, V., Linford, M.R., “Practical Guide on Chemometrics/Informatics in X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), Part 2: Example Applications of Multiple Methods to the Degradation of Cellulose and Tartaric Acid”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A, 40(6), (2022).
Yu, H., Bro, R., Gallagher, N.B., “PARASIAS: a new method for analyzing higher-order tensors with shifting profiles,” Anal. Chim. Acta., 1238, 339848 (2023).
Gallagher, N.B., “A Comparison of Common Factor-Based Methods for Hyperspectral Image Exploration – PCA, MAF, MNF and MDF”, J. Spec. Imag., 11, Article ID a 6 (2022).
Gallagher, N.B., “Target detection of melamine in wheat gluten in a NIR infrared hyperspectral image,” NIR news. 33(3-4) 11-13 (2022).
Avval, T., Moeini, B., Carver, V., Fairley, N., Smith, E., Baltrusaitis, J., Fernandez, V., Tyler, B., Gallagher, N., Linford, M., “The Often-Overlooked Power of Summary Statistics in Exploratory Data Analysis. Comparison of Pattern Recognition Entropy (PRE) to other Summary Statistics and Introduction of Divided-Spectrum-PRE (DS-PRE),” J Chem Inf Model, 61, 4173-4189 (2021).
Lines, A.M., Hall, G.B., Asmussen, S., Jarrod, A., Sinkov, S., Heller, F. Gallagher, N., Lumetta, G, Bryan, S., “Sensor fusion: comprehensive real-time, on-line monitoring for process control via visible, NIR, and Raman spectroscopy,” ACS Sensors, 5(8) 2467-2475 (2020).
Lines, A., Hall, G., Sinkov, S., Levitskaia, T., Gallagher, N., Lumetta, G, Bryan, S., “Overcoming oxidation state dependent spectral interferences: On-line monitoring of U(VI) reduction to U(IV) via Raman and UV-vis spectroscopy,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 59(19), 8894-8901 (2020).
Myers, T.L., Johnson, T.J., Gallagher, N.B., Bernacki , B.E., Beiswenger, T.N., Szecsody, J.E. Tonkyn, R.G., Ashley M. Oeck, A.M., Su,Y.-F., Danby, T.O., “Hyperspectral Imaging of Minerals in the Longwave Infrared: The Use of Laboratory Directional-Hemispherical Reference Measurements for Field Exploration Data,” J Appl Remote Sens, 13(3), 034527 (2019). DOI: 10.1117/1.JRS.13.034527.
Beiswenger, T.N., Gallagher N.B., Myers T.L., Szecsody, J.E., Tonkyn, R.G., Su, Y., Sweet, L.E., Lewallen, T.A., Johnson, T.J., “Identification of Uranium Minerals in Natural U-Bearing Rocks via Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy,” Appl. Spectrosc., 72(2), 209–224 (2018). DOI: 10.1177/0003702817743265.
Chatterjee, S., Singh, B., Diwan, A., Lee, Z.R., Engelhard, M.H., Terry, J., Tolley, H.D., Gallagher, N.B., Linford, M., “A Perspective on Two Established Chemometrics Tools: PCA and MCR, and Introduction of a New One: Pattern Recognition Entropy (PRE), As Applied to XPS and ToF-SIMS Depth Profiles of Organic and Inorganic Materials,” Appl. Surf. Sci., 433, 994–1017 (2018), doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.09.210.
Gallagher, N.B., Shaver, J.M., Bishop,R., Roginski, R.T., Wise, B.M. “Decompositions with Maximum Signal Factors,” J. Chemometr., 28(8), 663-671 (2014), DOI: 10.1002/cem.2634.
Rogers, B., Grate, J., Pearson, B., Gallagher, N., Wise, B., Whitten, R., Adams,J., “Combined, solid-state molecular property and gamma spectrometers for CBRNE detection,” SPIE Proceedings, 8710, Chemical, Biological, Nuclear and Explosives (CBRNE) Sensing XIV; 8710D (2013).
Wise, B.M., Gallagher, N.B., Bro, R, Shaver, J.M, Windig, W., Koch, R.S., O’Sullivan, D., “PLS_Toolbox 6 for use with Matlab,” Software, Eigenvector Research, Inc., Wenatchee, WA, Mar (2011).
Gallagher, N.B., Kelly, J.F., Blake, T.A., “Passive Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Standoff Detection of Tetryl Explosive Residue on a Steel Surface,” proceedings WHISPERS’10, Reykjavik, Iceland June 14-16 (2010), DOI: 10.1109/WHISPERS.2010.5594839.
Blake, T.A., Kelly, J.F., Gallagher, N.B, Gassman, P.L., Johnson, T.J., “Passive Detection of Solid Explosives in Mid-IR Hyperspectral Images,” Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 395(2), 337-348 (2009).
Amigo, J.M., Ravn, C., Gallagher, N.B., Bro, R., “A Comparison of a Common Approach to Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis and Classical Least Squares in Hyperspectral Imaging,” Int J Pharm, 373(1-2), 179-182 (2009).
Blake, T.A., Gassman, P.L., Gallagher, N.B, “Detection and Classification of Organic Analytes in Soil,” in Selected Topics in Electronics and Systems | Spectral Sensing Research for Surface and Air Monitoring in Chemical, Biological and Radiological Defense and Security Applications, J-M Theriault, JO Jensen ed., 91-108 (2009).
Gallagher, N.B., Gassman, P.L., Blake, T.A., “Strategies for Detecting Organic Liquids on Soils Using Mid-Infrared Reflection Spectroscopy,” Environ. Sci. Technol., 42(15), 5700-5705 (2008). doi:10.1021/es8005404
Gallagher, N.B, Gassman, P.L., Blake, T.A., “Detection of Low Volatility Organic Analytes on Soils Using Infrared Reflection Spectroscopy,” J. Near Infrared Spectrosc., 16(3), 179-187 (2008). doi:10.1255/jnirs.776
Gallagher, N.B, Shaver, J.M., Windig, W., Blake, T.A., Gassman, P.L. “Multivariate Curve Resolution Applied to Infrared Reflectance Measurements of Soil Contaminated with Organic Analyte” Appl. Spectrosc., 60(7), 713-722 (2006). doi:10.1366/000370206777887026
Gallagher, N.B, Blake, T.A., Gassman, P.L. “Application of extended inverse scatter correction to mid-infrared reflectance spectra of soil,” J. Chemometr., 19(5-7), 271-281 (2005). doi:10.1002/cem.929
Windig, W., N.B. Gallagher, J.M. Shaver and B.M. Wise, ” New Approach for Interactive Self-Modeling Mixture Analysis,” Chemometr. Intell. Lab., 77(1-2), 85-96 (2005).
Gallagher, N.B., Shaver, J.M., Martin, E.B., Morris, J., Wise, B.M. and Windig, W., “Curve resolution for images with applications to TOF-SIMS and Raman,” Chemo. and Intell. Lab. Sys., 77(1), 105-117 (2004).
Gallagher N.B., Sheen D.M., Shaver, J.M., Wise, B.M. and Schultz, J.F., “Estimation of Trace Vapor Concentration-Pathlength in Plumes for Remote Sensing Applications from Hyperspectral Images,” SPIE Proceedings, 5093, 184-194 (2003).
Sheen, D.M., Gallagher, N.B., Sharpe, S.W., Anderson, K.K., and Shultz, J.F., “Impact of background and atmospheric variability on infrared hyperspectral chemical detection sensitivity,” SPIE Proceedings, 5093, 218-229 (2003).
Gallagher, N.B., Wise, B.M., and Sheen, D.M., “Estimation of Trace Vapor Concentration-Pathlength in Plumes for Remote Sensing Applications from Hyperspectral Images,” Anal. Chim. Acta., 490(1-2), 139-152 (2003).
Grate, J.W., Wise, B.M., Gallagher, N.B., “Classical Least Squares Transformations of Sensor Array Pattern Vectors into Vapor Descriptors: Simulation of Arrays of Polymer-Coated Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors with Mass-Plus-Volume Transduction Mechanisms,” Anal. Chim. Acta., 490(1-2), 169-184 (2003).
Gallagher, N.B., Wise, B.M. and Sheen D.M., “Error Analysis for Estimation of Trace Vapor Concentration-Pathlength in Stack Plumes,” Appl. Spectrosc., 57(6), 614-621 (2003).
Wise, B.M., Gallagher, N.B. and Grate J.W., “Analysis of Combined Mass and Volume Transducing Sensor Arrays,” J. Chemometr., 17(8-9), 463-469 (2003).
Wise, B.M., Gallagher, N.B. and Martin, E.B., “Application of PARAFAC2 to Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Semiconductor Etch,” J. Chemometr., 15(4), 285-298 (2001).
Grate, J.W., Patrash, S.J., Kaganove, S.N., Abraham, M.H., Wise, B.M. and Gallagher, N.B., “Inverse Least Squares Modeling of Vapor Descriptors using Polymer-coated Surface Acoustic Wave Sensor Array Responses,” Anal. Chem., 73(21), 5247-5259 (2001).
Wise, B.M., Gallagher, N.B., Butler, S.W., White, D. and Barna, G.G., “A Comparison of Principal Components Analysis, Multi-way Principal Components Analysis, Tri-linear Decomposition and Parallel Factor Analysis for Fault Detection in a Semiconductor Etch Process,” J. Chemometr., 13(3-4), 379-396 (1999).;2-N
Wise, B.M. and Gallagher, N.B., “An Introduction to Linear Algebra,” Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 28(1), 1-19 (1998).
Wise, B.M., Gallagher, N.B., “Multi-way Analysis in Process Monitoring and Modeling,” AIChE Symposium Series,” 93(316), 271-274 (1997).
Wise, B.M., Gallagher, N.B., Butler, S.W., White, D. and Barna, G.G., “Development and Benchmarking of Multivariate Statistical Process Control Tools for a Semiconductor Etch Process: Impact of Measurement Selection and Data Treatment on Sensitivity,” IFAC SAFEPROCESS’97, 35-42, Kingston Upon Hull, U.K. (1997).
Gallagher, N.B., Wise, B.M., Butler, S.W., White, D. and Barna, G.G., “Development and Benchmarking of Multivariate Statistical Process Control Tools for a Semiconductor Etch Process: Improving Robustness Through Model Updating,” IFAC ADCHEM’97, 78-83, Banff, Canada, (1997).
White, D., Barna, G.G., Butler, S.W., Wise B. and Gallagher, N., “Methodology for Robust and Sensitive Fault Detection,” Electrochemical Society Meeting, Montreal, 97(9), 55-79 (1997).
Wise, B.M. and Gallagher, N.B., “The Process Chemometrics Approach to Chemical Process Monitoring and Fault Detection,” J. Proc. Cont. 6(6), 329-348 (1996).
Gallagher, N.B., Wise, B.M., and Stewart, C.W., “Application of Multi-way Principal Components Analysis to Nuclear Waste Storage Tank Monitoring,” Computers Chem. Engng., 20(Suppl. A), S739-S744, (1996).
Gallagher, N.B., Peterson, T.W., and Wendt, J.O.L., “Sodium Partitioning in a Pulverized Coal Combustion Environment,” 26th Intn’l Symposium on Combustion, July 28-August 2, 1996.
Wise, B.M. and Gallagher, N.B., “Multi-way Analysis in Process Monitoring and Modeling,” AIChE Symposium Series, 93(316), 271-274 (1997).
Wise, B.M., Holt, B.R., Gallagher, N.B., and Lee, S., “A Comparison of Neural Networks, Non-Linear Biased Regression and a Genetic Algorithm for Dynamic Model Identification,” Chemometr. Intell. Lab., 30(1), 81-89 (1995).
Gallagher, N.B., “Alkali Metal Partitioning in a Pulverized Coal Combustion Environment,” Doctoral Dissertation, Dept. of Chem. Engr., Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, 1992.
Gallagher, N.B., Bool, L.E., Wendt, J.O.L., and Peterson, T.W., “Alkali Metal Partitioning in Ash from Pulverized Coal Combustion,” Combust. Sci. and Tech., 74 211-221, 1990.
Gallagher, N.B., “Monomer Solution Processed Polyimide Matrix Composites,” Masters Thesis, Dept. of Chem. Engr., Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA, 1987.
White Papers: (Eigenvector White Papers)
Gallagher, N.B., O’Sullivan, D., “Using Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLSDA) for Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) Part I: Application. (2023). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24767.07841
Gallagher, N.B., O’Sullivan, D. “Using Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLSDA) for Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) Part II: Theory. (2023). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18056.19204
Gallagher, N.B., Lawrence, L. “ Introduction to Hyperspectral Imaging and Multivariate Image Analysis,” (2020)
Gallagher, N.B., O’Sullivan, D., Palacios, M. “The Effect of Data Centering on PCA Models.” (2020)
Gallagher, N.B., “Fitting Smooth Curves Part IV: Baselining with Asymmetric Least-Squares and Basis Functions.”
Gallagher, N.B., “Fitting Smooth Curves Part III: Baselining with an Asymmetric Least-Squares Algorithm.”
Gallagher, N.B., “Fitting Smooth Curves Part II: Fitting with a Robust Algorithm.”
Gallagher, N.B., “Fitting Smooth Curves Part I: Fitting with Equality Constraints and Basis Functions.”
Gallagher, N.B., “Savitzky-Golay Smoothing and Differentiation Filter.”
Gallagher, N.B., “Whittaker Smoother.”
Gallagher N.B., O’Sullivan, D., “Selection of Representative Learning and Test Sets Using the Onion Method.”
Bro, R., Gallagher, N.B., “PARAFAC for Analysis of Fluorescence EEM Data.”
Gallagher, N.B., “Detection and Classification with Overlapping Signals.”
Gallagher, N.B., Shaver, J.M., “Introduction to Preprocessing Calibration and Application.”
Gallagher, N.B., Shaver, J.M., “Generalized Weighting to Account for Sampling Artifacts.”
Gallagher, N.B., “Extended Multiplicative Scatter Correction Applied to Mid-Infrared Reflectance Measurements of Soil.”
Gallagher, N.B., “Adaptive Multi-Way Principal Components Analysis Applied to Monitoring a Semiconductor Etch Process.”
Selected Technical Publications and Presentations:
Gallagher, N. B., “Shift Invariant Tri-linearity (SIT) and Shift Invariant Soft Tri-linearity (SIST) for fast, flexible blind source separation in hyphenated chromatography,” EAS, Princeton, NJ, USA, Nov 18-20, (2024).
Gallagher N.B., “Batch Statistical Process Monitoring: Inter- and Intra-Batch Monitoring,” SciX, Raleigh, NC, Oct 20-25 (2024).
Gallagher N.B., Schneide, P.-A., Bro R., “Shift Invariant Tri-linearity (SIT) and Shift Invariant Soft Tri-linearity (SIST) for fast, flexible blind source separation in hyphenated chromatography,” SciX, Raleigh, NC, Oct 20-25 (2024).
Hughey, K.D., Baker, T.J., Tonkyn, R.G., Gallagher, N., Thakur, N., Thompson, C.J., Zhao, Y., Timothy J. Johnson, T.J., “Detection and Quantification of Gas-Phase PFAS Mixtures Using Infrared Spectral Libraries and Chemometrics,” SciX, Raleigh, NC, Oct 20-25 (2023).
Schneide, P.-A., Gallagher N., Armstrong M.S., Bro R., “Analysis of gas chromatography coupled mass spectrometry data – new algorithms and future perspectives,” CAC, Santa Fe, Argentina, Sep 19-24, (2024).
Gallagher, N.B., Manuel Amigo, J, Goyetche, R., “Automated Iterative Targeted Detection in Hyperspectral Imaging – Fast, Accurate Detection of Minor Target Signal in a Swamp,” IASIM, Bilbao, Spain, July 6-10 (2024).
Goyetche, R., Manuel Amigo, J., Gallagher, N.B., “Comparison of generalized least squares and multivariate curve resolution for detection of microplastics via near infrared hyperspectral imaging,” IASIM, Bilbao, Spain, July 6-10 (2024).
Schneide, P.-A., Munk, O.K., Tomasi, G., Gallagher, N.B., Bro, R., “Shift Invariant Tri-linearity – New capabilities Unlocked in GC-MS and LCxLC HRMS Data Analysis,” SSC2023, Gothenburg, Sweden, Oct 1-4 (2023).
Gallagher, N.B., Anseelm Schneide, P.-A., Bro, R., B.M. Wise “Shift Invariant Tri-linearity (SIT) for fast, flexible blind source separation in hyphenated chromatography,” IFPAC, Bethesda, MD, June 4-7 (2023).
Anseelm Schneide, P.-A., Bro, R. Gallagher, N.B., “Shift Invariant Tri-linearity (SIT) – A new model for resolving untargeted GC-MS data,” SensorFINT, Berlin, Germany, June 5-7 (2023).
Gallagher, N.B. “Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Imaging”, YouTube Video, (2022).
Manuel Amigo, J., Gallagher, N., Kortazar, L., Goyetche, R., Kucheryavskiy, S., “Mathematical Nuances of Generalized Least Squares. A Despised Model?”, IASIM, Esbjerg, Denmark, July 3-6 (2022)
Gallagher, N. “Comparison of MAF and MDF Time-Series Filtering Methods for Process Exploration,” IFPAC, Bethesda, MD, June 12-15 (2022).
Gallagher, N. “Comparison of Common Spatial Filtering Methods in Hyperspectral Imaging – Comparison of MAF, MNF, MDF and PCA with Implications for Global Anomaly Detection,” EAS2021, Princeton, NJ, USA, Nov 15-17, (2021).
Gallagher, N. “Targeted Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Imaging – Enhancing Small Signals for Image Exploration and Forensics,” Invited, EAS2021, Princeton, NJ, USA, Nov 15-17, (2021).
Gallagher, N. “Comparison of Spatial Filtering Methods in Hyperspectral Imaging Including PCA, MAF, MNF and a Novel Method Maximum Difference Factors (MDF),” Poster, SciX2021, Providence, RI, USA, Sept 26-Oct 1, (2021).
Gallagher, N. “Targeted Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Imaging for Cultural Heritage Applications – Finding a Needle in a Haystack,” Pittcon2021, New Orleans (online), LA, USA, Mar 8-11, (2021).
Gallagher, N.B., Grant, C.D., Klunder, G.L. Maiti, A., “(U) Texture Analysis for Profilometery Data on LX-16 Pellets,” CODT-2020-0979, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA (2020).
Gallagher, N. “Iterative Target Detection for Detection and Classification with an Example Application in Hyperspectral Imaging,” SciX2020, Online, USA, Oct 12-15, (2020).
Gallagher, N.B., “Targeted Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Imaging –
Finding Minor Anomalies in a Swamp,” International Foundation Process Analytical Chemistry IFPAC, Bethesda, MD, Feb 23-26 (2020).–
Gallagher, N., “Targeted Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Imaging for Forensic Applications – Finding a Needle in a Haystack,” (invited) EAS19, Princeton, NJ, Nov 18-20 (2019).
Lines, A.M., Gallagher, N., Felmy, H.M., Branch, S.D., Sinkov, S.I., Casella, A.J., Asmussen, S. Lumetta, G.J., Bryan, S.A., “On-Line, Real-Time Monitoring for Process Control and Optimization: Processing Nuclear Materials,” SciX 2019, Palm Springs, CA, Oct 13-18 (2019).
Gallagher, N.B., “Enhancing Hyperspectral Image Exploration via Preprocessing and Targeted Anomaly Detection,” SciX2018, Palm Springs, CA, USA, Oct 12-18, (2019). Invited/Filled In.
Lines, A.M., Adami, S.R., Sinkov, S.I., Casella, A.J., Hall, G.B., Allred, J.R., Lumetta, G.J., Bryan, S.A., Gallagher, N.B., Roginski, R.T., “Real-time, on-line monitoring for quantification of U and Pu radionuclides in complex processing streams,” International Foundation Process Analytical Chemistry IFPAC, Bethesda, MD, Mar 3-6 (2019).
Gallagher, N.B., “Iterative Target Detection for Detection and Classification in Hyperspectral Images with an Application to a Landsat 8 Image of Lake Chelan, WA USA.” EAS18, Princeton, NJ, Nov 16-18 (2018).
Gallagher, N.B., “Iterative Target Detection for Detection and Classification in Hyperspectral Images with an Application to a Landsat 8 Image of Lake Chelan, WA USA.” Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry 2018, Halifax, NS, Canada, June 25-29 (2018).
Myers, T.L., Beiswenger, T.N., Gallagher, N.B., Bernacki, B.E., Danby, T.O., Szecsody J.E., Tonkyn, R.G., Su, Y.-F. Su, Sweet, L.E., Lewallen, T.A., Johnson, T.J., “Hyperspectral Imaging of Minerals in the LWIR: Use of Laboratory Reference Measurements for Field Exploitation,” IASIM 2018, Seattle WA, June 17-20 (2018).
Gallagher, N.B., “Iterative Target Detection for Detection and Classification in Hyperspectral Images with an Application to a Landsat 8 Image of Lake Chelan, WA USA. Poster. IASIM 2018, Seattle WA, June 17-20 (2018).
Gallagher, N.B, “Chemometrics Implementation Considerations,” BP Data Analytics Workshop, BP, Naperville, IL, USA, May 8-9 (2018).
Gallagher, N.B., “Synergy of Target and Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Images,” APACT 2018, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, April 25-27 (2018).
Gallagher, N.B., “Iterative Target Detection for Detection and Classification in Hyperspectral Images with an Application to a Landsat 8 Image of Lake Chelan, WA USA. Poster. APACT 2018, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, April 25-27 (2018).
Gallagher, N.B., Wise, B.M., O’Sullivan, D., Roginski, R.T., Gilmore, A.M., “Multi-Way Analysis for Process Chemometrics with and Application to Water Quality Monitoring,” International Foundation Process Analytical Chemistry IFPAC, Feb 11-14 (2018).
Blake, T.A., Gassman, P.L., Gallagher, N.B., “Multivariate Curve Resolution and PARAFAC Analysis of Infrared Specular Reflection Spectra of Quartz Particles: Strategies for Optimal Surface Sensing,” SciX2017, Reno, NV, USA, Oct 8-13, (2017). Invited.
Gallagher, N.B., “Enhancing Hyperspectral Image Exploration via Preprocessing and Targeted Anomaly Detection,” SciX2017, Reno, NV, USA, Oct 8-13, (2017). Invited.
Gallagher, N., “Chemometrics United,” The Analytical Scientist, 317, (March 2017) 20-21. Opinion Article.
Gallagher, N. “ILS to CLS: Synergistic Regression Modeling for Imrpoved Control and Interpretibility,” SciX2016, Minneapolis, MN, USA, Sep 18-23, (2016). Invited.
Gallagher, N., Beiswenger, T.N., Szecsody, J.E., Johnson, T.J. “Infared Reflectance Spectroscopy for Detection and Classification of Mineral Components” SciX2016, Minneapolis, MN, USA, Sep 18-23, (2016). Invited.
Gallagher, N.B., “Detection of Melamine Particles in Wheat Gluten” Conference Challenge Problem Special Session, IDRC2016, Chambersburg, PA, USA, Jul 30-Aug 5, (2016).
Graham, D., Gallagher, N., Linford, M., “Depth Profile Characterization of Layered Materials Using ToFSIMS Hyperspectral Imaging Coupled with Sputtering,” IASIM16, Chamonix, France, Jul 3-6 (2016).
Gallagher, N.B., “Detection of Melamine Particles in Wheat Gluten” Conference Challenge Problem Special Session, IASIM16, Chamonix, France, Jul 3-6 (2016).
Dahlberg, D., Gallagher, N., Wilson, M., France, F., “Revealing the Hidden Writing of a 15th Century Palimpsest Using Hyperspectral Imaging Analyzed by Principal Component Analysis and Generalized Least Squares Weighting”, EAS15, Somerset, NJ, Nov 16-18 (2015).
Gallagher, N.B., “Classical Least Squares Methods for Target Detection in Hyperspectral Imaging,” SciX2015, Providence, RI, USA, Sep 17-22, (2015). Invited.
Marini, F., Gallagher, N.B., “Meeting Report: ICRM-2014 International Chemometrics Research Meeting,” Chemometr. Intell. Lab., 146, 147-148 (2015),
Gallagher, N.,B., “Synergy of Target and Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Images,” PittCon, New Orleans, LA, USA, Mar 7-12 (2015).
Gallagher, N.B., Shaver, J.M., “Synergy of Target and Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Images” International Association for Spectral Imaging (IASIM-14), Rome, Italy, Dec 3-5 (2014).
Gallagher, N.B., “Comparison of Target Detection and Maximum Signal Factors” EAS14, Somerset, NJ, Nov 17-19 (2014).
Gallagher, N.B., “Synergy of Target and Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Images,” Keynote. 6th International Chemometrics Research Meeting, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, Sep 14-18 (2014).
Gallagher, N.B., Shaver, J.M., “On the relationship between whitened principal components analysis and maximum autocorrelation factors,” EAS13, Somerset NJ. Nov 18-20 (2013).
Gallagher, N.B., Roginski, R.T., Isralson, G.A., “Target Detection of Melamine in Wheat Gluten Using NIR Hyperspectral Imaging”, AACCI 2013 Workshop on NIR, Albequerque, NM, Sep 29-Oct 2 (2013).
Gallagher, N.B., Shaver, J.M., Bishop, R., Roginski, R.T., Wise, B.M., “On the relationship between whitened principal components analysis and maximum autocorrelation factors,” SSC13, Stockholm, Sweeden, Jun 17-20 (2013).
Wise, B.M., Gallagher, N.B., Bro, R., Shaver, J.M., Windig, W., and Koch, R.S., PLS_Toolbox 7.0 for use with MATLAB,, Software, Eigenvector Research, Inc., Wentachee, WA, USA, 2013.
Rogers, B., Grate, J., Pearson, B., Gallagher, N., Wise, B., Whitten, R., Adams, J., “Combined, solid-state molecular property and gamma spectrometers for CBRNE detection,” SPIE Def. Sec. Sensing, Apr 24-26 (2013).
Gallagher, N.B., Piorek, B.D., Lee, S.J., Meinhart, C.D., Moskovits, M., Wise, B.M., “Multivariate Curve Resolution Applied to SERS Mearsurements of 2,4-DNT,” APACT’13, Chester, Cheshire, UK, Apr 24-26 (2013).
Gallagher, N.B., “Multivariate Factor-Based Methods for Analysis of Process Data,” National Unviersity of Ireland, Maynooth, Dept Seminar, Nov 7 (2012).
Gallagher, N.B., Roginski, R.T., Israelson, G.A., “Target Detection Applied to Detection of Adulterants in Powdered Raw Material Using Near Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging,” Poster, SCIX 2012, Kansas City, MO, Sep 30–Oct 5 (2012).
Gallagher, N.B., Roginski, R.T.., Israelson, G.A., “Target Detection Applied to Detection of Adulterants in Powdered Raw Material Using Near Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging,” International Diffuse Reflectance Conference, Chambersburg, PA, Jul 29-Aug 3 (2012).
Gallagher, N.B., “Data Analytics from a Chemometrician’s Perspective,” BP Data Analytics Workshop, Royal Chem Soc, London, England, Mar 21 (2012).
Gallagher, N.B., Blake, T.A., Kelly, J.F., “A Comparison of Detection Strategies for solids and Organic Liquids on Surfaces Using Long Wave Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging,” FACSS 2011, Reno, NV, Oct 2–7 (2011).
Gallagher NB, J Lawson, JF Kelly, and TA Blake. 2011. “Standoff Detection of Trace Explosives on Metal Surfaces Using a Cooled-Dispersive Longwave Infrared Spectrometer.” Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Report PNNL-20306, Richland, WA USA. Limited distribution
Nguyen, L., Margilith, E., Gallagher, N.B., Shaver, J.M., Israelson, G., “Detection of Adulterants in Raw Materials Utilizing Hyperspectral Imaging with Target and Anomaly Detection Algorithms,” FACSS 2011, Reno, NV, Oct 2–7 (2011).
Wise, B., Gallagher, N.B., “Multivariate Modeling of Batch Processes Using Summary Variables,” FACSS 2011, Reno, NV, Oct 2–7 (2011).
Hope, J., Gallagher, N.B., Heymann, J., Kinsinger, M., Scheuing, D., “ATR-FTIR and Pattern Recognition to Understand the Effect of Physical and Chemical Treatments on a Polymer Blend Fabric,” FACSS 2011, Reno, NV, Oct 2–7 (2011).
Wise, B.M., Gallagher, N.B., Bro, R, Shaver, J.M, Windig, W., Koch, R.S., O’Sullivan, D., “PLS_Toolbox 6 for use with Matlab,” Software, Eigenvector Research, Inc., Wenatchee, WA, Mar (2011).
Roginski, R.T., Wise, B.M., Gallagher, N.B., Shaver, J.M., Bro, R., “A Guide to Orthogonalization Filters for us in Calibration and Classification,” IFPAC, Baltimore, MD, USA, Jan 17-21 (2011).
Wise, B.M., J.M. Shaver, N.B. Gallagher, “A Guide to Orthogonalization Filters Used in Multivariate Image Analysis and Conventional Applications,” SSC12, Billund, Denmark, Jun 7–12 (2011).
Wise, B.M., Gallagher, N.B., Shaver, J.M., Rasmussen, M.A., Bro, R., “A Guide to the Orthogonalization Filter Smorgasbord,” First African-European Conf on Chemometrics, Rabat, Morocco, Sep (2010).
Blake, T.A., Kelly, J.F., Gallagher, N.B., Gassman, P.L., Johnson, T.J., Bernacki, B.E., Mendoza, A., “Passive Standoff Detection of Explosives on Surfaces via Infrared and Optical Hyperspectral Imaging,” PacifiChem, Honolulu, HA, USA, Dec 15-20 (2010).
Gallagher, N.B., Kelly, J.F., Blake, T.A., “Passive Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Standoff Detection of Tetryl Explosive Residue on a Steel Surface Using GLS and ELS-GLS,” International Diffuse Reflectance Conference, Chambersburg, PA, Jul 31-Aug 6 (2010).
N.B. Gallagher, Blake, T.A., J.F. Kelly, “Passive Standoff Detection of Solid Explosive Residues on Soil via Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging,” FACSS 2010, Raleigh, NC, Oct 17-21 (2010).
Shaver, J.M., N.B. Gallagher, B.M. Wise, “Soft vs Hard Orthogonalization Filters in Classification Modeling,” FACSS 2010, Raleigh, NC, Oct 17–21 (2010).
Weling, A., M.B. Fratkin, A. Liu, P.F. Henning, N.B. Gallagher, “Detection and Classification of Bio-Aerosol Threats using Infrared Spectroscopy,” ISSSR, Springfield, MO, June 21-24 (2010).
Gallagher, N.B, J.F. Kelly, T.A. Blake, “Passive Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Standoff Detection of Tetryl Explosive Residue on a Steel Surface,” WHISPERS 2010, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 14-16 (2010).
Blake, T.A., J.F. Kelly, N.B. Gallagher, P.L. Gassman, T.J. Johnson, “Passive Standoff Detection of RDX Residues on Metal Surfaces via Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging,” Eastern Analytical Symposium, Nov 16-19 (2009).
Weling, A.S., M.B. Fratkin, P.F. Henning, N.B. Gallagher, C.E. Miller, “Multi-Spectral Trigger Sensor for Bio-Aerosol Threat Detection,” Nanoelectronic Devices for Defense & Security (NANO-DDS), Sept 29-Oct 2 (2009).
Wise, B.M., N.B. Gallagher, R. Bro, J.M. Shaver, W. Windig, R.S. Koch, PLS_Toolbox 5.0 for use with MATLAB, Software, Eigenvector Research, Inc., Wenatchee, WA, USA, September (2008), 5.2 April (2009).
Weling, A.S., P.F. Henning, M.B. Fratkin, S. Chadha, N.B. Gallagher, C.E. Miller, H.B. Lin, C.S. Scotto, J.D. Eversole, “Handheld Infrared Spectrometer for Chemical and Biological Threat Detection, International Symposium on Spectral Sensing Research, June 23-27 (2008).
Henning, P.F., M.B. Fratkin, A.S. Weling, N.B. Gallagher, C.E. Miller, H. Lin, C.S. Scotto, J.D. Eversole, “Infrared Detection and Discrimination of Biological Aerosols,” 2008 Annual Chem/Bio R&D Technologies Conference, San Antonio, TX, Jan 28-Feb 1 (2008).
Wise, B.M., N.B. Gallagher, R. Bro, J.M. Shaver, W. Windig, R.S. Koch, PLS_Toolbox 4.1, 4.2 for use with MATLAB, Software, Eigenvector Research, Inc., Wenatchee, WA, USA, June (2007), Jan (2008).
Gallagher, N.B., Wise, B.M., Shaver, J.M., Roginski, R.T., Koch, R.S., “Multivariate Batch Process Monitoring Utilizing Summary Variables with an Application To Semiconductor Etch,” 2007 AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, Nov 4-9 (2007).
Gallagher, N.B. contributer to “Quantum Cascade Laser Photo-Acoustic Sensors (QC L-PAS) for Chemical Warfare Agent Detection – Final Report,” PNNL-16836, Sep (2007).
Gallagher, N.B., Blake, T.A., Gassman, P.L., “Detection of Organic Analyte on Soils Using IR Reflectance Spectroscopy,” poster, NIR’07, Umea, Sweden, June 17-21 (2007).
Miller, C.E., Gallagher, N.B., Shaver, J.M., Bro, R., “Graphical Rotation-“Boosting” the Interpretability of NIR Methods,” NIR’07, Umea, Sweden, June 17-21 (2007).
Gallagher, N.B., “Mulitvariate Image Analysis: Past, Present and Future – a biased view,” Advances in Process Analytics and Control Technologies, APACT ’07, May 2-4 (2007).
Miller, C.E., Gallagher, N.B., Shaver, J.M., Bro, R., “Graphical Rotation-“Boosting” the Interpretability of NIR Methods,” Eastern Analytical Symposium, Somerset, NJ, Nov. 11-15 (2007).
Wise, B.M., Miller, C.E., Roginski, R.T., Gallagher, N.B., “Combining Instrument Standardization and Data Preprocessing Methods: What Methods and What Order?” Eastern Analytical Symposium, Somerset, NJ, Nov. 11-15 (2007).
Gallagher, N.B., Blake, T.A. and Gassman, P.L.,” Recovery of Spectral Information from Infrared Reflectance Spectra of Soils Coated with an Organic Analyte,” Eastern Analytical Symposium, Somerset, NJ, Nov 11-16 (2006).
Warren, J., Gallagher, N.B., “Heuristic and Statistical Methods for Fault Detection: Complementary or Competing Approaches?” SEMATECH AEC/APC Symposium XVIII, Westminster, CO, Sep 30-Oct 5 (2006).
Gallagher, N.B., “Chemometrics for brewing applications using PLS_Toolbox,” World Grains Summit: Foods and Beverages, San Francisco, CA, Sept. 17-20 (2006).
Wise, B.M., N.B. Gallagher, N.B., Bro, Shaver, J.M., Windig, W. and Koch, R.S., Solo 4.0, Software, Eigenvector Research, Inc., Aug 2006.
Blake, T.A., Gassman, P.L. and Gallagher, N.B. ” Recovery of Spectral Information from Infrared Reflectance Spectra of Soils Coated with an Organophosphorous Compound,” International Symposium on Spectral Sensing Research, May 29-June 2 (2006).
Wise, B.M., Gallagher, N.B., Ozanich, R.M., Grate, J.W., “A Holistic Approach to Sensor and Analytical Method Development,” FACSS’06, Lake Buena Vista, FL, Sep (2006).
Gallagher, N.B., contributor to, “Quantum Cascade Laser Photo-Acoustic Sensors (QC L-PAS) For Chemical Warfare Agent Detection – Phase I Report,” PNNL-15655, Jan (2006).
Wise, B.M., N.B. Gallagher, Shaver, J.M., Windig, W. and Koch, R.S., EMSC_Toolbox 1.1, Software, Eigenvector Research, Inc., Nov 2005.
Wise, B.M., N.B. Gallagher, N.B., Bro, Shaver, J.M., Windig, W. and Koch, R.S., MIA_Toolbox 1.0, Software, Eigenvector Research, Inc., Oct 2005.
Gallagher, N.B., Blake, T.A., Gassman, P.L., “Application of Extended Inverse Scatter Correction to mid-Infrared Reflectance Spectra of Soil,” Twelvth International Conference on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, Auckland, New Zealand, Apr 9-18 (2005).
Gallagher, N.B., Blake, T.A., Gassman, P.L., Shaver, J.M. and Windig, W., “Multivariate Curve Resolution Applied to Infrared Reflectance Measurements of Soil Contaminated with Organic Analyte,” Twelvth International Conference on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, Auckland, New Zealand, Apr 9-18 (2005).
Blake, T.A., Gallagher, N.B., and Gassman, P.L., “Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy: Spectral Signatures of Chemicals on Soils,” Desert Trafficability Workshop, invited talk, Winthrop, WA, January 22, 2005.
Gallagher, N.B., “Principal Components Regression with Implicit Cross-Validation,” Eastern Analytical Symposium, Somerset, NJ, Nov 15-18 (2004).
Gallagher, N.B., Shaver, J.M. and Wise, B.M., “Multivariate Curve Resolution of Hyperspectral Images: Initialization and Functional Constraints,” Portland, OR, FACSS, Oct 3-7 (2004).
Gallagher, N.B., “Purity Applied to PARAFAC,” Portland, OR, FACSS, Oct. 3-7 (2004).
Wise, B.M. and Gallagher, N.B., “A Review of Multi-way Models and Their Use in Monitoring Batch and Continuous Processes,” Portland, OR, FACSS, Oct 3-7 (2004).
Wise, B.M., Gallagher, N.B., Bro., R., Shaver, J.M., Windig, W. and Koch, R.S., PLS_Toolbox 3.5 for use with MATLAB, Software, Eigenvector Research, Inc., Aug 2004.
Gallagher, N.B., Shaver, J.M., Wise, B.M, and Martin, E.B., “Multivariate Curve Resolution of Hyperspectral Images”, ACS Conference on Emerging Opportunities in Chemical and Biosensing, May 15-19 (2004).
Blake, T.A., Gassman, P.L., Gallagher, N.B., Shaver, J.M, “Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy: Spectral Signatures of Chemicals on Soils,” 12th International Conference on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, Technical Information Exchange, Los Alamos, NM, Mar 11 (2004).
Sheen, D.M, Gallagher, N.B., Broocks, B.T., and Shultz, J.F., “Chemical Sensor Data Analysis and Modeling, Hazard Warning, and Variability Measurements”, Report 14526, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, (2004).
Gallagher, N.B., “Purity-Based Method for Initializing PARAFAC,” TRICAP 2003, June 22-27 (2003).
Gallagher, N.B., Sheen, D.M., Shaver, J.M., Wise, B.M., Shultz, J.F., “Estimation of trace vapor concentration-pathlength in plumes for remote sensing applications from hyperspectral images”, SPIE AeroSense Conference, Apr 21-25 (2003).
Gallagher, N.B., Shaver, J.M., Martin, E.B., and Thennadil, S.N., “Hyperspectral Imaging for Process Monitoring and Process Analytical Chemistry”, IFPAC 2003, 17th International Foundation Process Analytical Chemistry IFPAC, Jan 21-24 (2003).
Wise, B.M., Gallagher, N.B., Bro, R., Shaver, J.M., PLS_Toolbox for use with MATLAB, Version 3.0, Software, Eigenvector Research, Inc., Nov (2002).
Gallagher, N.B., Wise, B.M., and Sheen. D.M., “Estimation of Trace Vapor Concentration-Pathlength in Plumes for Remote Sensing Applications from Hyperspectral Images”, Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry, Sep (2002).
Sheen, D.M, Gallagher, N.B., Shultz, J.F., “Infrared Sensor Modeling and Data Analysis Algorithm Development in FY02”, Report 14036, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, (2002).
Dahlberg, D. and Gallagher N.B., “Chemometrics without Equations”, 224th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Boston, MA, 21-22 Aug (2002).
Grate, J.W., Wise, B.M., and Gallagher, N.B., “Transformation of Polymer-coated Acoustic Wave Sensor Array Responses into Descriptors for Unknown Vapors”, 202nd Electrochemical Society Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT (2002).
D.M. Sheen, N.B. Gallagher, P.G. Heasler, J.F. Schultz, B.M. Wise, S.W. Sharpe and K.K. Anderson, “Infrared Chemical Detection Systems Modeling and Advanced Chemometric Analysis,” Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, PNNL-13737, Dec, 2001.
Gallagher, N.B. and Wise, B.M., “Comparison of Factor Based Methods for Endpoint Detection in Semiconductor Metal Etch”, TRICAP 2000: Three-way Methods in Chemistry and Psychology, Hvedholm Castle, Faaborg, Denmark, July (2000).
Gallagher, N.B. and Wise, B.M., “Comparison of Factor Based Methods for Endpoint Detection in Semiconductor Metal Etch”, Institute for Improvement in Quality and Productivity Research Workshop, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, May (2000).
B M. Wise and N.B. Gallagher, PLS_Toolbox for use with MATLAB, Version 2.1, Software, Eigenvector Research, Inc., November, 2000.
Gallagher, N.B. and Wise, B.M., “A Comparison of Factor Analysis Methods for Endpoint and Fault Detection”, AEC/APC Symposium XI, Vail, CO, September 13-16 (1999).
Gallagher, N.B., Wise, B.M., S.W. Butler, D. D. White Jr., G.G. Barna, “Improvement of Mulitvariate Statistical Process Control Robustness Through Model Updating”, 1999 Spring Research Conference on Statistics in Industry and Technology, Minneapolis, MN, June (1999).
Gallagher, N.B., and Wise, B.M., “Applications of Multi-way Methods to Process Monitoring”, 1998 Quality and Productivity Research Conference, Santa Rosa, CA, May 20-22 (1998).
Wise, B.M., Gallagher, N.B., PLS_Toolbox for use with MATLAB, Version 2.0, Software, Eigenvector Research, Inc., Apr (1998).
Gallagher, N.B. and Wise, B.M., “A Comparison of Multivariate Statistical Process Control Tools for Monitoring a Semiconductor Etch Process”, MATLAB Conference, San Jose, CA, Oct (1997).
White, D., Barna, G.G., Butler, S.W., Wise B., and Gallagher, N., “Methodology for Robust and Sensitive Fault Detection,” Electrochemical Society Proceedings, 97-9, 55-63 (1997).
Wise, B.M., Gallagher, N.B., S.W. Butler, D. D. White Jr., G.G. Barna, “Development and Benchmarking of Multivariate Statistical Control Tools for a Semiconductor Etch Process: Impact of Measurement Selection and Data Treatment on Sensitivity”, Safeprocess’97, Hull, England, Aug 26-27 (1997).
Gallagher, N.B., Wise, B.M, S.W. Butler, D. D. White Jr., G.G. Barna, “Development and Benchmarking of Multivariate Statistical Control Tools for a Semiconductor Etch Process: Improving Robustness Through Model Updating”, Adchem97, Banff, Alberta, June (1997).
White, D., Barna, G., Butler, S., Wise, B., and Gallagher, N., “Methodology for Robust and Sensitive Fault Detection”, 191st Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, May 4-9 (1997).
Wise, B.M., Gallagher, N.B., S.W. Butler, D. D. White Jr., G.G. Barna, “MSPC Tools for a Semiconductor Etch Process”, ACS Multivariate Analysis, San Francisco, CA, Apr 17 (1997).
Gallagher, N.B., Wise, B.M, S.W. Butler, D. D. White Jr., G.G. Barna, “Benchmarking of Multivariate Statistical Control Tools for a Semiconductor Etch Process”, IFPAC, Blaine, WA Jan 3-5 (1997).
Barna, G.G., White, D., Wise, B.M., Gallagher, N.B., Sofge, D., “Development of Robust Fault Detection and Classification Techniques/SEMATECH J-88E Project at TI,” SEMATECH AEC/APC Workshop VIII, Santa Fe, NM, Oct. 27-30 (1996).
Gallagher, N.B., Peterson, T.W., and Wendt, J.O.L., “Sodium Partitioning in a Pulverized Coal Combustion Environment,” 26th Intnl Symposium on Combustion, Naples, Italy, July 28-Aug 2 (1996).
Gallagher, N.B. and Wise, B.M. “Application of a Genetic Algorithm to Variable Selection for PLS Models,” EUCHEM-Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 3-6 (1996).
Gallagher, N.B., Wise, B.M., and Stewart, C.W., “Application of Multi-way Principal Components Analysis to Nuclear Waste Storage Tank Monitoring,” European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, May 26-29 (1996).
Wise, B.M. and Gallagher, N.B., PLS_Toolbox for use with MATLAB, Release 1.5, Software, (1995).
Wise, B.M. and Gallagher, N.B., “The Process Chemometrics Approach to Chemical Process Fault Detection and Supervision,” IFAC Workshop on On-Line Fault Detection and Supervision in the Chemical Process Industries, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1-20 (1995).
Gallagher, N.B. and Wise, B.M., “Multi-way Statistical Analysis Applied to Monitoring a Nuclear Waste Storage Tank,” MATLAB User’s Conference, Cambridge, MA, Oct (1995).
Wise, B.M., Gallagher, N.B., Eschbach, P.A., Sharpe, S.W., and Griffin, J.W., “Optimization of Prediction Error Using Genetic Algorithms and Continuum Regression: Determination of the Reactivity of Automobile Emissions from FTIR Spectra,” Fourth Scandanavian Symposium on Chemometrics (SSC4), Lund, Sweden, June (1995).
M.E. Brewster, N.B. Gallagher, J.D. Hudson, C.W. Stewart, “The Behavior, Quantity, and Location of Undissolved Gas in Tank 241-SY-101, 09/1995; DOI: 10.2172/135059.
Gallagher, N.B., “Signature Analysis and Estimate of Bubble Size Distribution from Peak Signatures” Prepared for US DOE Contract DE-AC06-76RLO 1830 by Battelle PNL, Apr (1995)
Gallagher, N.B., “Analysis of Gas Release Signatures and Bubble Size Distribution Estimate” in Quarterly Review of 241-SY-101 Mixer Pump Data, Prepared for US DOE Contract DE-AC06 76RLO 1830 by Battelle PNL, June (1995).
Gallagher, N.B., “Signature Analysis and Estimate of Bubble Size Distribution from Peak Signatures” Prepared for US DOE Contract DE-AC06-76RLO 1830 by Battelle PNL, Apr (1995).
Gallagher, N.B., “Analysis of Gas Release Signatures” in Quarterly Review of 241-SY-101 Mixer Pump Data, Prepared for US DOE Contract DE-AC06-76RLO 1830 by Battelle PNL, Dec 28 (1994).
McCray, S., Ray, R.J., Gallagher, N.B., “Membrane-Based VOC Recovery,” DOE VOC SBIR Phase II Funded Proposal (1993).
Gallagher, N.B., Ray, R.J., McCray, S.B., Millard, D.L., “A Preliminary Analysis of a Membrane-Based Atmosphere Control Sub-System,” International Conference on Environmental Systems, Colorado Springs, CO, July 19–22 (1993).
Peterson, T.W., Wendt, J., Gallagher, N.B., Bool, L., “Behavior of Coal Inorganic Species in a Laboratory Scale Pulverized Coal Combustor,” in “Transformations of Inorganic Coal Constituents in Combustion Systems,” Section 6, DOE Contract No. DE-AC22-86PC90751, (1992). DOI:10.2172/10144949.
Gallagher, N., Bool, L., Peterson, T.W., Wendt, J., “Behavior of Coal Inorganic Species in a Laboratory Scale Pulverized Coal Combustor,” in “Transformations of Inorganic Coal Constituents in Combustion Systems,” DOE Contract No. DE-AC22-86PC90751, Order Number DE92002757 (1991).
Gallagher, N.B., Peterson, T.W., and Wendt, J.O.L., “Alkali/Silicate Interactions During Pulverized Coal Combustion,” ACS Div. of Fuel Chem., Atlanta, GA, 14–19 Apr (1991).
Gallagher, N.B., Bool, L.E., Wendt, J.O.L., and Peterson, T.W., in “Effects of Combustion Scale on Ash Size and Composition – An Experimental and Computational Study Parts I and II”, Engineering Foundation Conference, Palm Coast, FL, 10-15 Mar (1991).
Gallagher, N., Bool, L., Peterson, T., and Wendt, J., in “Behavior and Effects of Combustion Scale on Fundamental Mineral Transformations for Selected U.S. Coals,” Engineering Foundation Conference (1990).
Gallagher, N., Bool, L., Wendt, J.O.L., and Peterson, T.W., “Alkali Metal Partitioning in Ash from Pulverized Coal Combustion,” American Flame Research Committee Conference, Tucson, AZ, Apr 2 (1990).
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