Solo + MIA
Hyperspectral Image Analysis
Solo+MIA combines the stand-alone graphical environment of Solo with the Multivariate Image Analysis (MIA) tools from our popular MIA_Toolbox. This combination allows users to apply multivariate analysis tools directly to hyperspectral image data and view the results in image format.
Solo+MIA works seemlessly with images:
- “Automatic image display” technology to recognize and automatically present appropriate model results in image format.
- Image importing and building functions to make assembly of multivariate images easier.
- Image specific functions including Maximal Autocorrelation Factors (MAF) and an image-enhanced Cluster analysis.
- Enables most standard Solo analysis methods to work with images.
Includes all of these features and more:
- Data Exploration and Pattern Recognition (Principal Components Analysis, Parallel Factor Analysis)
- Regression Modeling (Partial Least Squares, Principal Components Regression, Multiple Linear Regression…)
- Classification (SIMCA, PLS Discriminant Analysis, Cluster Analysis with Dendograms…)
- Self-modeling Curve Resolution, Pure Variable Methods (Multivariate Curve Resolution, Purity (compare to SIMPLSMA))
- Instrument Standardization (Piece-wise Direct, Generalized Least Squares Preprocessing…)
- Advanced Graphical Data Set Editing and Visualization Tools
- Advanced Customizable Order-Specific Preprocessing (Centering, Scaling, Smoothing, Derivatizing…)
- plus many more…

Get More Information:
- Download a fully functional 45-day demo
- Learn about our latest release
- View the Software User Guide on-line
- View the License Maintenance Agreement

System Requirements:
In general, Eigenvector products should work on most modern computers. See our installation instructions ( for detailed information.
Product Support
Eigenvector Research offers user support for Solo+MIA by e-mail at Questions are almost always answered within 24 hours (and usually much less). Updates and bug fixes will be available for users to download from our web site. For information on other support options, see our technical support page.
Order Solo+MIA
- Users with current License Maintenance Agreements:
download the newest version now. IT’S FREE! - New users: order Solo+MIA on-line.
For information on multi-client servers, site-licenses, and OEM options, contact us by phone (509.662.9213) or e-mail ( Our product pricelist information pageincludes pricing and other order information for all of our products.