Eigenvector University returns to Seattle, USA May 12-16, 2025 Complete Info Here!

The View from Eigenvector

EigenNews and EigenViews from Barry and the Eigenvector staff.

The View from Eigenvector

Lake Chelan Valley Scholarships Announced

Jul 31, 2017

One of my more satisfying off-work activities has been my involvement with the Lake Chelan Valley Scholarship Foundation. LCVSF gives awards for undergraduate education to residents of the Chelan Valley, including Manson, Chelan, Stehekin and Holden. Below you’ll find a note on this summer’s awards. We are pleased to announce the Lake Chelan Valley Scholarship […]


EigenU Poster Winners

Jun 22, 2017

Hello EigenFriends and EigenFans, Two months ago we hosted the 12th Annual EigenU at the Washington Athletic Club in Seattle, WA. We had over 50 people join us through six days of hands-on chemometric courses, and once again had an awesome poster session where users got to display their use of PLS_Toolbox and EVRI methods […]


Top 10 reasons to come to EigenU 2017!

Mar 5, 2017

Howdy folks! All of us here at EVRI are getting excited for the 12th annual Eigenvector University, April 23-28 at the Washington Athletic Club in Seattle, WA. We’ve been updating our class list, and adding new examples and modeling techniques to make sure you get the best training in multivariate methods and chemometrics. Here are […]


Staff Update: Three Newcomers and a Veteran

Nov 28, 2016

This past year has brought several additions to our team and we’d like to take some time to introduce them to our community. This spring Eigenvector welcomed two new members, Dr. Benjamin Kehimkar and Mathias Darr. Benjamin completed his PhD at the University of Washington in Analytical Chemistry, and specializes in chromatography and mass spectrometry. […]


EigenU Europe Recap

Nov 7, 2016

Another successful EigenU Europe is in the books with the conclusion of classes October 27 in Montpellier, France! We had a great group of students who participated in this four-day course series. Instructors included myself and Prof. Rasmus Bro, plus our special guest Dr. Sébastian Preys of Ondalys. After a rainy start to the week, […]


Eigenvectorian Scott Koch celebrates 10+ years with EVRI

Oct 20, 2016

Scott Koch joined Eigenvector in January, 2004, and quickly made himself indispensable. Although his title is Senior Software Engineer, Scott commented the other day, “we wear so many hats in a small company that I don’t know if a title is really useful.” He tackles a variety of jobs at EVRI including interface and database […]


EigenU 2016 Poster Winners

Oct 6, 2016

Each spring at Eigenvector University in Seattle we showcase the scientific accomplishments of our users at the PLS_Toolbox/Solo Poster Session. With EigenU Europe quickly approaching, we thought it was about time to congratulate our poster winners from EigenU 2016 last April! Brooke Reaser of the University of Washington, and Claire Muro of the University at […]


Register for EigenU Europe, October 24-27

Oct 5, 2016

Registration for EigenU Europe in Montpellier, FRANCE is open! Join Dr. Barry M. Wise, Prof. Rasmus Bro and Dr. Sébastien Preys for four days, October 24-27, of beginning and intermediate chemometrics courses from the classic Eigenvector University series. The course will include: Linear Algebra for Chemometricians Chemometrics I Principal Components Analysis Chemometrics II Regression and […]


Eigenvector at Chimiométrie XVII in Namur

Feb 4, 2016

Last month I had the pleasure of attending Chimiométrie XVII. This installment ran from January 17-20 in the beautiful city of Namur, BELGIUM. The conference was largely in French but with many talks and posters in English. (My French is just good enough that I can get the gist of most of the French talks […]


Another EigenU Europe Complete

Oct 9, 2015

The Fifth Eigenvector University Europe ran October 5-8 at the FOSS Innovation Centre in Hillerød, Denmark. Rasmus Bro and I really enjoyed the group. Everybody came well prepared (MATLAB and PLS_Toolbox installed and tested!) and loaded with questions. We covered basic chemometrics then moved on to more advanced topics. Many thanks to the kind folks […]


30 Years of Chemometrics

Sep 30, 2015

On October 1, 1985 I walked into Bruce Kowalski’s chemometrics class and my world changed forever. It was my first day of chemical engineering graduate school at the University of Washington. My M.S. thesis advisor, Prof. Harold Hager, told me that I’d probably find the methods in Bruce’s class useful in treating the data I […]


EigenU 2015 Poster Contest Winners

May 23, 2015

Like its predecessors, the 10th Annual Eigenvector University included the Tuesday evening PLS_Toolbox/Solo User poster session. Eight posters, which spanned a wide range of applications, were scrutinized by about 40 attendees. A good time was had by presenters and viewers alike as we enjoyed hors d’oeuvres, beverages and scientific discussion. Amanda Lines of Pacific Northwest […]


MRST Shines at Eigenvector Research NW Cup Finals

Apr 19, 2015

The 2014-15 ski season wrapped up at Mission Ridge on April 9-12 with the Eigenvector Research NW Cup Finals. It was a great four days which included two days of Giant Slalom (GS) races and two days of Slalom (SL) races, plus a bonus Dual Slalom on the final afternoon. Mission Ridge Ski Team (MRST) […]


Top Ten Reasons to come to EigenU 2015

Apr 1, 2015

If you are in the market for training in multivariate methods you have a number of choices. In North America, you could attend classes given by CAMO, ProSensus, or Umetrics. Here are 10 reasons you should come to the 10th Annual EigenU 2015, May 10-15 in Seattle, instead: More experienced instructors – Courses at EigenU […]


A Layperson’s Introduction to EVRI

Mar 18, 2015

This spring I was contacted by Holly Thorpe of the Wenatchee Valley Business World about doing a piece on Eigenvector. I was, of course, pleased to oblige! The timing was especially good as we celebrated our 20th Anniversary earlier this year. The resulting article captures the flavor of EVRI quite well, and is a great […]


EigenU 2014 Poster Contest Winners

Mar 2, 2015

Each year, Tuesday evening at Eigenvector University features the PLS_Toolbox/Solo User Poster Session. Prizes are given for the two best posters as judged by the Eigenvector staff, associates, and guest instructors. At EigenU 2014 there were 10 posters presented by users, plus a couple more from EVRI, which made for a very lively session. Associate […]


Chemometrics Consultant position opening at Eigenvector Research

Feb 25, 2015

Eigenvector Research, Inc. (EVRI) has an opening for a full time Chemometrics Consultant staff member. Applicants should have a M.S. or Ph.D. degree in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, or a closely related field and at least five years experience developing chemometric models. Experience in the pharmaceutical, chemical, medical device, food and beverage or bioinformatics fields would […]


Eigenvector Turns 20

Feb 19, 2015

Eigenvector Research, Inc. (aka EVRI) passed a significant milestone when we turned 20 years old on January 1, 2015. The event passed without a lot of fanfare around here. Frankly we were just all a little bit too busy to do much beyond offering a few internal congratulations! Eigenvector was founded on January 1, 1995 […]


Nonlinear Model Support Added to Model_Exporter

Oct 22, 2014

Model_Exporter is EVRI’s software for turning multivariate/chemometric models into formats which can be compiled into online applications. It offers an alternative to our stand-alone prediction engine Solo_Predictor. Model_Exporter allows users of our MATLAB® based PLS_Toolbox and stand-alone Solo to easily create a numerical recipes of their models. These recipes give the step by step procedure […]


Classical Least Squares (CLS) with Nonlinear Spectra

Oct 20, 2014

In the last several years we’ve seen a resurgence of interest in Classical Least Squares (CLS) modeling. To address that our Neal Gallagher is developing a course on CLS Methods for the next EigenU. Our interest also stems from the fact that we’ve worked on a number of consulting projects where CLS models are appropriate […]