Eigenvector University returns to Seattle, USA May 12-16, 2025 Complete Info Here!

Register for EigenU Europe, October 24-27

Oct 5, 2016

Registration for EigenU Europe in Montpellier, FRANCE is open! Join Dr. Barry M. Wise, Prof. Rasmus Bro and Dr. Sébastien Preys for four days, October 24-27, of beginning and intermediate chemometrics courses from the classic Eigenvector University series. The course will include:

We’ve also added a follow-on event Friday, October 28 with Dr. Fabien Chauchard on How to Implement Spectroscopic Techniques for Process Development.


To register and view lodging information, visit the EigenU Europe page. We hope to see you there in beautiful Montpellier next month!

Eigenvector now has an Instagram account! Follow @eigen_guys to keep up with the latest adventures of the Eigenvector team, and make sure to check out our Twitter account for up-to-date info on courses and software.