Eigenvector University returns to Seattle, USA May 12-16, 2025 Complete Info Here!

Category Archives: Short Courses

We are always pleased to teach chemometrics & machine learning short courses to analytical chemists and engineers involved in discovery through implementation.

Top 10 Reasons to come to EigenU 2013

Apr 4, 2012

If you are in the market for training in multivariate methods you have a number of choices. In North America, you could attend classes given by CAMO, ProSensus, or Umetrics. Here are 10 reasons you should come to the 8th Annual EigenU 2013, May 12-17 in Seattle, instead:

  1. More experienced instructors – Courses at EigenU 2013 will be led by the EVRI staff including Neal B. Gallagher, Jeremy M. Shaver, Robert T. Roginski, and Randy Bishop, plus our Associate Rasmus Bro, and of course myself. Together we’ve got over 100 man-years of chemometric experience.
  2. Wider variety of courses – In addition to our beginning track including PCA and PLS, we offer 11 advanced and specialty courses including Robust Methods, Calibration Transfer/Instrument Standardization, Batch SPC, Variable Selection and Multivariate Image Analysis. Plus new this year, we have the Bring Your Own Data (BYOD) Workshop where you’ll be able to work with your own data while you learn hands-on with EVRI’s team of instructors.
  3. Method-centric instruction – At EigenU we provide the background required to truly understand chemometric methods; we don’t just show you what buttons to push. Our goal is to make the literature in the field accessible to our graduates. Deeper understanding of the methods leads to better analysis!
  4. Beautiful Seattle, WA – With Puget Sound and the Olympics to the West and Lake Washington and the Cascades to the East, the Emerald City is distractingly scenic. Plus, it is home to the Space Needle, Pike Place Market, Seattle Art Museum, Seattle Mariners, the largest ferry system in the US, plus tons of other attractions. It is definitely not New Jersey!
  5. The Washington Athletic Club – EigenU is held at the WAC, the nation’s premier city athletic club. The historic 21 story facility includes 5 floors of fitness facilities, 10 floors of Euro-styled techno-centric sleeping rooms, full service spa, and 3 restaurants.
  6. The food – From the continental breakfast, including the WAC’s signature sticky buns, through the gourmet plated lunches, to afternoon snack bars, our guests always rave about the food.
  7. Networking – EigenU attendance is typically about 40 scientists and engineers with a range of chemometric expertise and wide variety of interests. This means you’ll have plenty of opportunity to find colleagues with common problems and complimentary solutions.
  8. Evening events – EigenU provides ample opportunity to continue your chemometric learning and networking into the evening. This includes Tuesday’s PLS_Toolbox/Solo User Poster Session, Wednesday’s PowerUser Tips & Tricks Session, and Thursday’s Workshop Dinner, which is one more opportunity to enjoy the WAC’s fabulous food. Present a poster at the Tuesday evening User Session and you could win an Apple iPad mini or iPod nano!
  9. Flexible, multi-platform software – With PLS_Toolbox, MIA_Toolbox and EMSC_Toolbox, EVRI offers the most comprehensive set of chemometric tools available plus the flexibility of MATLAB. Our stand-alone packages Solo and Solo+MIA offer all the point and click tools of their MATLAB-based siblings. Plus they’re all available for Windows, Linux and MacOS. On-line options available too!
  10. Costs less – In spite of all its advantages, EigenU actually costs less than similar courses from CAMO, Umetrics and ProSensus.

So it probably isn’t surprising that EigenU attendees are more than satisfied. Here’s what a couple of them had to say:

“I attended the Eigenvector University 2010 earlier this year. It was the best short-course I have ever taken on any subject. I highly recommend it if you’re looking for a short-course, immersion kind of training.” – James M. Roberts, GSK

“What you are offering here is unmatched.” – David A. Russell, Dupont.

Discount registration ends soon, register and pay by April 10 for the best prices.

See you at EigenU!


Cross-validation Explained

Feb 27, 2012

I was recently teaching a chemometrics course with Rasmus Bro when he was asked to explain cross-validation. Rasmus sketched up an example to explain it, and I was inspired by that to turn it into a more formal movie. Just click on the link below to view it. Enjoy!



EigenU Registrations Coming In!

Jan 23, 2012

Registrations have started coming in for Eigenvector University 2012. This seventh annual EigenU will be May 13-18 at the Washington Athletic Club in Seattle.

New for this year, Batch Multivariate Statistical Process Control for PAT combines the technical aspects of developing chemometric models for monitoring batch processes with the practical aspects of implementing and deploying models, particularly in the pharmaceutical industries. Our DOE course, which debuted last year, has been updated and expanded to become Design of Experiments for QbD (Quality by Design). Also updated this year, Advanced Preprocessing for Spectral Applications has been refocused on spectroscopy.

The PLS_Toolbox/Solo User Poster Session returns with Apple iPod prizes for the two best posters. New and advanced features of our software will be highlighted in the PowerUser Tips & Tricks evening session. And of course our traditional group dinner will be held at Torchy’s in the WAC.

Our most popular classes usually fill up, so register early! Discount registration rates apply for registrations received with payment by April 11, 2012.

See you in Seattle!


PLS_Toolbox/Solo Advanced Features in NJ

Nov 2, 2011

Eigenvector Vice-president Neal B. Gallagher and Chief of Technology Development Jeremy M. Shaver will present Using the Advanced Features in PLS_Toolbox/Solo 6.5 in New Brunswick, NJ on December 8-9, 2011. The course will be held at the Hyatt Regency.

With PLS_Toolbox and Solo Version 6.5 released last month, this is an opportune time to attend this course. Participants will learn how to take advantage of many of the recently added tools. It will also be a great time to ask “how to” type questions. Nobody knows our software more intimately than Jeremy, as he is responsible for its overall development. He’s constantly surprising the rest of us EigenGuys by showing us easier ways to accomplish our modeling tasks using features we didn’t know existed! Neal will be on hand to guide users through many of the methods, particularly the advanced preprocessing features. Neal has extensive experience in this area due to his work with remote sensing applications.

The course includes an optional second half day which covers our tools for Multivariate Image Analysis and Design of Experiments. There will also be time for one-on-one consulting with the software. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own data for this! Often all the methods and tools make a lot more sense when applied to data with which you are familiar.

If you have any questions about this course or our other course offerings, such as EigenU, please write to me.


FOSS Course Conclusion

Oct 27, 2011

Our Basic/Intermediate Chemometrics course at FOSS in Hillerød, Denmark, concluded today. It has been a good week; Rasmus and I have really enjoyed it. We’ve had lots of good discussion with plenty of examples offered by class members. And our students have been very attentive–note that they have the same thing on their screens as I have on mine!

Many thanks to FOSS and especially Lars Nørgaard for inviting us here. FOSS took good care of us, providing ample coffee, great snacks for breaks, and great lunches in their cafeteria. We’ve also had a couple nice evenings out, including a very nice dinner at Ristorante La Perle. We can see why everybody in Hillerød goes there for their birthday.

Thanks to everyone who attended!


Off to Hillerød

Oct 20, 2011

I’m leaving in the morning to go to Hillerød, Denmark, where we are holding a Beginning/Intermediate Chemometrics course. I’ll be teaching with Rasmus Bro, which I always enjoy. Rasmus has a very relaxed lecturing style and is very good at explaining chemometric concepts. I always learn something, even when it is about subjects I’m already pretty good at.

The course will be held at FOSS World Headquaters. FOSS is very big in applications of spectroscopy to problems in food and beverages, grain, feed, meat etc. Chemometrics is a critical part of this and FOSS has a substantial chemometrics group. That group is headed up by Lars Nørgaard, the former Head of the Department of Food Science at University of Copenhagen.

I think of Lars more as a chemometrician, however, rather than a manager. PLS_Toolbox owes a number of things to Lars, including Inteval-PLS (iPLS) and ‘color-by.’ iPLS is a method for selecting variables and also elucidating from which part of the spectrum calibration models get their predictive information. The ‘color-by’ feature uses the color of data points in a plot to indicate the value of another variable. It really helps spot trends. I first saw this feature in LatentiX, with which Lars was involved.

We have a nearly full class lined up and with Lars, Rasmus and myself it should make for a lively group. Plus, we’ll be teaching with the just released PLS_Toolbox 6.5. I’ll need to spend some time learning about 6.5’s new features myself. I’m looking forward to it!


EigenU Poster Session Winners

May 25, 2011

The Sixth Annual Eigenvector University was held last week, and with it, our Tuesday evening PLS_Toolbox User Poster Session. As always, the poster session allowed EigenU participants to discuss chemometric applications over hors d’oeuvres and drinks.

This year’s winners were Kellen Sorauf of University of Denver and Christoph Lenth of Laser-Laboratorium Göttingen e.V. Kellen, shown below receiving his iPod nano, presented Distribution Coefficient of Pharmaceuticls on Clay Mineral Nanoparticles Using Multivariate Curve Resolution with co-authors Keith E. Miller and Todd A. Wells.

Christoph, shown below, presented Qualitative trace analytics of proteins using SERS with co-authors W. Huttner, K. Christou and H. Wackerbarth.

Poster session winners received the traditional iPod nano, (16G), engraved with EigenU 2011 Best Poster.

Thanks to everyone who attended and presented!


Ready for EigenU 2011

May 14, 2011

The Sixth Annual Eigenvector University starts tomorrow, May 15. The computers are set up, the catering is finalized and the notes are printed. We’re ready to go! I’m always glad when we get to this point. The prep work gets tedious sometimes but I always enjoy the classes.

Once again we’ll have 40+ participants from North America and Europe. We’re looking forward to some good interaction with a diverse set of students. I see we have enrollees from the pharmaceutical industry, medical device companies, national laboratories, food products, mining, and instrument manufacturers. And of course a strong contingent of academicians. Should be a good mix!

Perhaps my favorite parts of teaching is when somebody asks a really good question. One that makes you think hard and delve into the background of the methods we work with. Hopefully, we’ll get some of those–they provide good fodder for this blog!

I’ll report back this week with any interesting developments.


EigenU 2011 Filling Up!

Mar 31, 2011

The Sixth Edition of Eigenvector University, EigenU 2011, is filling up. Many of our most popular classes are more than half full. This includes Linear Algebra for Chemometricians, MATLAB for Chemometricians, Chemometrics I: PCA, Chemometrics II: Regression and PLS, Variable Selection, and Common Chemometric Mistakes (and how to avoid them).

This year EigenU runs from Sunday, May 15 through Friday, May 20. As before, it will be held at the nation’s premier city athletic club, the Washington Athletic Club, in the heart of Seattle.

Early discount registration ends soon. To receive the early discount rates, registration must be received with payment by April 15.

See you in May!


EigenU 2011 Registration Now Open

Jan 25, 2011

The Sixth edition of Eigenvector University will be held May 15-20, 2011. Once again, we’ll be at the fabulous Washington Athletic Club in the heart of downtown Seattle.

We’ve added two new classes this year, “SVMs, LWR and other Non-linear Methods for Calibration and Classification” and “Design of Experiments.” The non-linear methods class will focus on Support Vector Machines for regression and classification, which were added to PLS_Toolbox/Solo version 5.8 (February 2010) along with an interface to Locally Weighted Regression. We’ve found these methods to be quite useful in a number of situations, as have our users. The DOE course will focus on practical aspects experimental design, including designing data sets for multivariate calibration.

I sometimes say that the secret to Eigenvector Research is data preprocessing, i.e. what you do to the data before it hits a PLS or other multivariate model. Thus, “Advanced Preprocessing” has been expanded to a full day for EigenU 2011. We’ll cover many methods for eliminating extraneous variance, including the “decluttering” methods (Generalized Least Squares Weighting, External Parameter Orthogonalization, etc.) we’ve highlighted recently. “Multivariate Curve Resolution” has also be expanded to a full day in order to better cover the use of constraints and contrast control.

EigenU 2011 will also include three evening events, including Tuesday night’s “PLS_Toolbox/Solo User Poster Session,” (with iPod Nanos for the best two posters), Wednesday night’s “PLS_Toolbox/Solo PowerUser Tips & Tricks,” and the Thursday evening dinner event.

You can register for EigenU through your user account. For early discount registration, payment must be received by April 15. Questions? E-mail me.

See you at EigenU!


Advanced Features in Leuven, Belgium

Oct 4, 2010

Following a successful premier of our new course, Using the Advanced Features of PLS_Toolbox/Solo 6.0, we’re pleased to announce that we will be repeating the course in Leuven, Belgium on November 22, 2010. The course is being arranged in conjunction with CQ Consultancy.

And, yes! It was a successful premier! We had 28 students at the initial offering on the University of Barcelona campus. Many, many, thanks to Romà Tauler and Anna de Juan for hosting the event, and of course many thanks to the attendees for coming. We used a beta of Solo 6.0 for the course, and I’m happy to say it ran quite smoothly. It should be ready for release by mid-October.


Mediterranean Tour

Sep 17, 2010

I head off tomorrow morning (way too early!) on a “tour” of the Mediterranean. I’ll be attending The First African-European Conference on Chemometrics, aka Afrodata, in Rabat, Morocco. From there, I’ll go to CMA4CH–Application of MVA and Chemometrics to Cultural Heritage and Environment in Sicily. Then it’s on to Barcelona to teach Using the Advanced Features of PLS_Toolbox.

I’m looking forward to getting out of the office and spending some time with my chemometric colleagues. When I see something of chemometric interest during my travels, I’ll try to get it posted here. I hope to see many of you in the coming weeks!


Advanced Features in Barcelona

Sep 1, 2010

I’m pleased to announce that I’ll be doing a one day short course, Using the Advanced Features of PLS_Toolbox, on the University of Barcelona campus, on October 1, 2010 (one month from today!). The course will show how to use many of the powerful, but often underutilized, tools in PLS_Toolbox. It will also feature some new tools from the upcoming PLS_Toolbox 6.0, to be released this fall.

Normally, our courses focus on developing an understanding of chemometric methods such as PCA and PLS. This course is something of a departure in that it focuses on getting the most out of the software. This will give us a chance to show how to access many of the advanced features and methods implemented in PLS_Toolbox.

You can get complete information, including registration info and a course outline, on the course description page. If you have additional questions or suggestions for demos you’d like to see, contact me.

See you in Barcelona!