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The View from Eigenvector

EigenNews and EigenViews from Barry and the Eigenvector staff.

The View from Eigenvector

EigenU Registrations Coming In!

Jan 23, 2012

Registrations have started coming in for Eigenvector University 2012. This seventh annual EigenU will be May 13-18 at the Washington Athletic Club in Seattle. New for this year, Batch Multivariate Statistical Process Control for PAT combines the technical aspects of developing chemometric models for monitoring batch processes with the practical aspects of implementing and deploying […]


PLS_Toolbox in Research and Publications

Dec 6, 2011

Our Chief of Technology Development Jeremy M. Shaver received a very nice letter this morning from Balázs Vajna, who is a Ph.D. student at Budapest University of Technology and Economics. As you’ll see from the references below, he is a very productive young man! Here is his letter to Jeremy, highlighting how he used PLS_Toolbox […]


Missing Data (part three)

Nov 21, 2011

In the first and second installments of this series, we considered aspects of using an existing PCA model to replace missing variables. In this third part, we’ll move on to using PLS models. Although it was shown previously that PCA can be used to perfectly impute missing values in rank deficient, noise free data, it’s […]


2011 EAS Awards for NIR and Chemometrics

Nov 17, 2011

I had the privilege of being involved with two award sessions at this week’s Eastern Analytical Symposium (EAS). I was very pleased to be invited to speak in the session honoring former Eigenvectorian Charles E. “Chuck” Miller for Outstanding Achievements in Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Chuck elected to have talks from speakers that represented phases in […]


Missing Data (part two)

Nov 11, 2011

In Missing Data (part one) I outlined an approach for in-filling missing data when applying an existing Principal Components Analysis (PCA) model. Let us now consider when this approach might be expected to fail. Recall that missing data estimation results in a least-squares problem with solution: xb = –xgR21R11-1 In our short courses, I advise […]


What’s in a Logo?

Nov 7, 2011

Branding is an important aspect of promoting a business and central to that is developing an identifiable logo. I like logos, (and sometimes wish I could be a graphic designer). The best logos, besides looking great, have a deep connection to the thing they represent. Coming up with a good one is quite an exercise. […]


Missing Data (part one)

Nov 5, 2011

Over the next few weeks I’m going to be discussing some aspects of missing data. This is an important aspect of chemometrics as many applications suffer from this problem. Missing data is especially common in process applications where there are many independent sensors. I got interested in missing data while in graduate school in the […]


PLS_Toolbox/Solo Advanced Features in NJ

Nov 2, 2011

Eigenvector Vice-president Neal B. Gallagher and Chief of Technology Development Jeremy M. Shaver will present Using the Advanced Features in PLS_Toolbox/Solo 6.5 in New Brunswick, NJ on December 8-9, 2011. The course will be held at the Hyatt Regency. With PLS_Toolbox and Solo Version 6.5 released last month, this is an opportune time to attend […]


FOSS Course Conclusion

Oct 27, 2011

Our Basic/Intermediate Chemometrics course at FOSS in Hillerød, Denmark, concluded today. It has been a good week; Rasmus and I have really enjoyed it. We’ve had lots of good discussion with plenty of examples offered by class members. And our students have been very attentive–note that they have the same thing on their screens as […]


Off to Hillerød

Oct 20, 2011

I’m leaving in the morning to go to Hillerød, Denmark, where we are holding a Beginning/Intermediate Chemometrics course. I’ll be teaching with Rasmus Bro, which I always enjoy. Rasmus has a very relaxed lecturing style and is very good at explaining chemometric concepts. I always learn something, even when it is about subjects I’m already […]


Multi-platform Chemometrics Software

Oct 14, 2011

When I go to conferences I often look around to see what sort of computers people are using. In the past year or so I’ve noticed a significant uptick in the number of Macs. At SSC-12, SIMS-XVIII and FACSS/SCIX-2011 Macs accounted for about half of the laptops that I saw in use in the technical […]


Report from FACSS

Oct 6, 2011

This year’s Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies meeting (FACSS) was quite vibrant. The number of participants was up from recent years, with close to 1200 registrants. Attendance at the technical sessions and traffic at the exhibit was good. As usual, EVRI was there in force. Our booth crew is shown above, including me, […]


Off to FACSS, PLS_Toolbox/Solo 6.5

Sep 30, 2011

The Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS) annual meeting starts this Sunday, October 2, in Reno, NV. The EVRI crew headed there includes Neal B. Gallagher (NBG), Jeremy M. Shaver (JMS), Randy Bishop (RB), and myself (BMW). We expect to be busy! We have a number of papers to give, listed below. Visualizing […]


Report from SIMS XVIII

Sep 26, 2011

The eighteenth meeting on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, SIMS XVIII, was held last week in Riva del Garda, Italy. The meeting has been held biannually starting in 1977. As Nicolas Winograd pointed out in the opening lecture, it is a testament to the importance and vibrancy of the field that such a specialized meeting has […]


I hope this isn’t a trend

Jul 11, 2011

On April 21, I received an announcement and call for papers from the organizers of ICRM 2011. The announcement noted that the scientific committee would start to select the abstracts for oral and poster presentations starting May 1. On April 28 I submitted an abstract for an oral presentation and received an automated reply noting […]


Solo 6.3 Released

Jun 30, 2011

Version 6.3 of our Solo software products were released this week. This includes the core Solo package, Solo+MIA and Solo+Model_Exporter. This release includes significant improvements to underlying libraries to make Solo faster, more memory friendly, make better use of multi-core processors, and have a more modern look and feel. Details can be found on the […]


Rasmus Bro Wins Wold Medal

Jun 9, 2011

The 10th Wold Medal was presented at the Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics, SSC12, in Billund, Denmark, this evening. Professor Rasmus Bro accepted the award from past winner Johan Trygg of Umeå University. Rasmus credited Lars Munck for development of the group at University of Copenhagen and enabling him to flourish there. He also mentioned the […]


EigenU Poster Session Winners

May 25, 2011

The Sixth Annual Eigenvector University was held last week, and with it, our Tuesday evening PLS_Toolbox User Poster Session. As always, the poster session allowed EigenU participants to discuss chemometric applications over hors d’oeuvres and drinks. This year’s winners were Kellen Sorauf of University of Denver and Christoph Lenth of Laser-Laboratorium Göttingen e.V. Kellen, shown […]


Ready for EigenU 2011

May 14, 2011

The Sixth Annual Eigenvector University starts tomorrow, May 15. The computers are set up, the catering is finalized and the notes are printed. We’re ready to go! I’m always glad when we get to this point. The prep work gets tedious sometimes but I always enjoy the classes. Once again we’ll have 40+ participants from […]


Eigenvectorians Hit the Road

May 6, 2011

The next six months promise to be a busy time for the Eigenvectorians. We’ll be hitting the road to eight conferences in the US and Europe. I’ve listed below the conferences we’ll be attending, the talks and courses we’ll be giving, and our exhibits. (Note: not all talks have been accepted yet!) SSC12, Billund, Denmark, […]