PLS_Toolbox in Research and Publications
Dec 6, 2011
Our Chief of Technology Development Jeremy M. Shaver received a very nice letter this morning from Balázs Vajna, who is a Ph.D. student at Budapest University of Technology and Economics. As you’ll see from the references below, he is a very productive young man! Here is his letter to Jeremy, highlighting how he used PLS_Toolbox in his work:
Dear Jeremy,
I would like to thank you for all your help with the Eigenvector products. With your help, I was able to successfully carry out detailed investigations using chemical imaging and chemometric evaluation in such a way that I could publish these results in relevant international journals. I would like to draw your attention to the following publications where (only) PLS_Toolbox was used for chemometric evaluation:
- B. Vajna, I. Farkas, A. Farkas, H. Pataki, Zs. Nagy, J. Madarász, Gy. Marosi, “Characterization of drug-cyclodextrin formulations using Raman mapping and multivariate curve resolution,” Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 56, 38-44, 2011.
- B. Vajna, H. Pataki, Zs. Nagy, I. Farkas, Gy. Marosi, “Characterization of melt extruded and conventional Isoptin formulations using Raman chemical imaging and chemometrics,” International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 419, 107-113, 2011.
These may be considered as showcases of using PLS_Toolbox in Raman chemical imaging, and – which is maybe even more interesting in the light of your collaboration with Horiba Jobin Yvon – the joint use of PLS_Toolbox and LabSpec. The following studies have also been published where MCR-ALS and SMMA (Purity) were carried out with PLS_Toolbox and were tested along with other curve resolution techniques.
- B. Vajna, G. Patyi, Zs. Nagy, A. Farkas, Gy. Marosi, “Comparison of chemometric methods in the analysis of pharmaceuticals with hyperspectral Raman imaging,” Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 42(11), 1977-1986, 2011.
- B. Vajna, A. Farkas, H. Pataki, Zs. Zsigmond, T. Igricz, Gy. Marosi, “Testing the performance of pure spectrum resolution from Raman hyperspectral images of differently manufactured pharmaceutical tablets,” Analytica Chimica Acta, in press.
- B. Vajna, B. Bodzay, A. Toldy, I. Farkas, T. Igricz, G. Marosi, “Analysis of car shredder polymer waste with Raman mapping and chemometrics,” Express Polymer Letters, 6(2), 107-119, 2012.
I just wanted to let you know that these publications exist, all using PLS_Toolbox in the evaluaton of Raman images, and that I am very grateful for your help throughout. I hope you will find them interesting.
Best regards,
Balázs Vajna
PhD student
Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
8 Budafoki str., H-1111 Budapest, Hungary
Thanks, Balázs, your letter just made our day! We’re glad you found our tools useful!