2011 EAS Awards for NIR and Chemometrics
Nov 17, 2011
I had the privilege of being involved with two award sessions at this week’s Eastern Analytical Symposium (EAS). I was very pleased to be invited to speak in the session honoring former Eigenvectorian Charles E. “Chuck” Miller for Outstanding Achievements in Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Chuck elected to have talks from speakers that represented phases in his career. This included Robert Thompson, Chuck’s advisor from Oberlin College, Tormod Næs, from his time at University of Washington’s Center for Process Analytical Chemistry (CPAC) and Matforsk (now Nofima), Cary Sohl of DuPont, and myself. Chuck, now with Merck, presented “26 Years of NIR Technology – From One Person’s Perspective,” which chronicled his career and influences, along with the progression of NIR over the period.
The session was organized by Katherine Bakeev of CAMO. Pictured below are Katherine, Tormod, Cary, Chuck, EAS President David Russell, and myself.
The session provided ample evidence of the intertwined evolution of chemometrics and NIR, with two primarily chemometric talks and two NIR talks with aspects of chemometrics.
I was also our representative at the session honoring Beata Walczak of the University of Silesian in Poland. Beata was the recipient of the EAS Award for Outstanding Achievements in Chemometrics, sponsored once again by Eigenvector Research. Beata and I are pictured below with the award.
The award session, organized by Peter D. Wentzell of Dalhousie University, had an “omics” theme with talks on metabolomics and proteomics. Speakers included Peter, Tobais Karakach of the Institute for Marine Biosciences, Sarah Rutan of Virginia Commonwealth University and Michal Daszykowski, also of Silesian. Beata presented “Chemometrics in Proteomics,” an overview of her work in the field highlighting methods for aligning samples from 2-D gel electrophoresis.
Congratulations to both Chuck and Beata on two very well-deserved awards!