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EigenU 2012 Poster Session Winners

May 21, 2012

EigenU 2012, the Seventh Annual Eigenvector University, was held last week at the Washington Athletic Club in Seattle. Our Tuesday evening PLS_Toolbox/Solo User poster session gave EigenU attendees a chance to unwind with hors d’oeuvres and beverages and discuss some chemometric applications. This year’s posters were judged by Paul Geladi, professor of Chemometrics at SLU, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

Bob Moision of Aerospace Corp. claimed first prize with “Application of MCR to VIIRS On-Orbit Anomaly Investigation.” Bob’s poster described how multivariate analysis was used with ToF-SIMS data in an investigation into the cause of the unexpected poor sensitivity of the Visible/Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) on the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership satellite. Bob is show below accepting his Apple iPod nano.

Bob Moision recieves EigenU Poster Prize

Second prize was awarded to Gordon Allison of Aberystwyth University for “Diagnosis of TSE disease in cattle and sheep using metabolomic analysis and computer learning technologies- GC/MS approaches.” The poster summarized results of a project aimed to identify novel, non-prion markers of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) disease in samples of blood plasma from infected cattle and sheep that consistently indicate infection and which could be used for disease diagnosis in living animals before the appearance of clinical symptoms. Gordon is shown below accepting his nano from Eigenvector Vice-President Neal Gallagher.

Gordon Allison receives EigenU Best Poster Prize

This year’s poster session included a father-daughter project: Clare Wise presented “Analysis of Historical Stehekin River Flow Data with Principal Components Analysis and Multivariate Curve Resolution.” The poster described how PCA and MCR can be used on the daily Stehekin River flow data to model spring runoff and to find interesting years since measurements were started in 1927. Clare, who will be a freshman in Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of Colorado next fall, is shown with her poster, and me, below.

Thanks to everyone who presented and attended this year’s poster session!