Eigenvector University returns to Seattle, USA May 12-16, 2025 Complete Info Here!

The View from Eigenvector

EigenNews and EigenViews from Barry and the Eigenvector staff.

The View from Eigenvector

EigenU 2008 Recap

May 12, 2008

Wow, what a week! Fourteen courses, forty students, and eight instructors all in six days. This has to be as much chemometrics as has ever been learnt in one week in one place, ever. OK, I may be a bit biased, but the third edition of Eigenvector University went really well. Students from as far […]


EigenU 2008 Best Posters

May 11, 2008

This year the Eigenvector University poster session was held in conjunction with the Center for Process Analytical Chemistry’s spring meeting dinner event. The EigenU crowd hopped a bus at the WAC and was whisked out to the University of Washington, where they hooked up with CPAC at the UW Club. Almost 20 posters were presented, […]


Compiling PLS_Toolbox

Apr 17, 2008

The MathWorks MATLAB® Compiler™ can be used to develop stand-alone applications based on MATLAB code. The current version of the Compiler supports the full MATLAB language, objects (including custom class objects), most of the TMW MATLAB toolboxes and user-developed GUIs. As such, its a pretty handy tool for creating custom applications that can be redistributed. […]


Student and Academic Licenses

Mar 25, 2008

NOTE: Current pricing can be found here. I’ve recently fielded a couple of questions about software licenses for class room and academic research use. So I’d like to take this opportunity to outline our policy. In addition to Industrial licenses for our PLS_Toolbox and Solo products, we also offer Student and Academic licenses, both fully […]


Support for Mac OS, Linux and Unix

Mar 12, 2008

One of the advantages of working with MATLAB® is that it is available on platforms besides just MS Windows. MATLAB is available for Mac OS, Linux and Unix. Because of that, PLS_Toolbox, MIA_Toolbox and EMSC_Toolbox also run on all these platforms. MATLAB makes these products work across platforms almost seamlessly. And because us Eigenvectorians also […]


What’s New for EigenU 2008

Mar 5, 2008

This year’s Eigenvector University will be May 4-9. For the this third edition of EigenU we’ll once again be at the posh Washington Athletic Club in beautiful downtown Seattle. As before, EigenU will include 14 short courses, a poster session (with Apple iPod nanos for the best two posters!), and a conference dinner at Torchy’s. […]


…and another thing about Model_Exporter

Feb 28, 2008

We recently got a chance to test the .m file output of Model_Exporter with National Instruments’ LabVIEW. The Full version of LabVIEW includes MathScript, which is quite compatible with MATLAB for basic calculations. We’ve just verified that PLS_Toolbox and Solo models will work with LabVIEW applications after exporting them with Model_Exporter. You don’t have to […]


Model Transparency, Validation & Model_Exporter

Feb 20, 2008

With the advent of the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Process Analytical Technology (PAT) Initiative the possibilities for putting multivariate models on-line in pharmaceutical applications increased dramatically. In fact, the Guidance for Industry on PAT lists Multivariate tools for design, data acquisition and analysis explicitly as PAT Tools. This opens the door for the […]


PLS_Toolbox/Solo Maintenance Program

Feb 19, 2008

You may have noticed that Eigenvector has recently changed the way software upgrades are handled. Our old model was based on the version number of the software. With PLS_Toolbox, we had always charged for every other upgrade of version number of 0.1 or greater. For instance, if you bought PLS_Toolbox 1.5, you got 2.0 for […]


Eigenvector Now a Teenager

Feb 12, 2008

Hi Folks: While dropping off my 15 year-old at school today it occurred to me that, like her, EVRI was now a teenager. Eigenvector Research was founded on January 1, 1995. So I guess that means we turned 13 last month. Yikes! Teenagers are often associated with mood-swings, disdain for authority, a cynical outlook, and […]


Some Thoughts on Freeware in Chemometrics

Feb 6, 2008

Once again there is a discussion on the chemometrics listserv (ICS-L) concerning freeware in chemometrics. There have been some good comments, and its certainly nice to see some activity on the list! I’ll add my thoughts here. On Feb 5, 2008, at 3:39 PM, David Lee Duewer wrote: I and the others in Kowlski’s Koven […]


A History of PLS_Toolbox

Jan 24, 2008

I started graduate school at the University of Washington Department of Chemical Engineering in the Fall of 1985. Sometime around Fall of 1986 somebody showed me MATLAB. Wow. That was the last day I ever wrote anything in Basic or Fortran–it was MATLAB from there on out. In 1987 I finished my MS in ChemE […]


A Recipe for Failure

Jun 6, 2007

Recently, I’ve seen numerous examples of what we call the “throw the data over the wall” model of data analysis, mostly in the form of “challenge problems.” Typically, participants are given data sets, without much background information, and asked to analyze them or develop models to make predictions on new data sets. Tests of this […]


EigenU Post-mortem and Thanks!

May 12, 2007

Well, we made it through another EigenU: 6 days, 14 classes and 35 students. Plus, a poster session, a PLS_Toolbox User Group Meeting and a workshop group dinner. Thanks to everybody that came! We hope you enjoy using your new skills, and that they enhance your productivity, aid you in the discovery process, and improve […]


EigenU Poster Winners

May 1, 2007

The EigenU poster session was tonight. This is a chance for our students to show their “chemometric stuff.” The attendees of EigenU vote on the best posters. This years’s winner’s were: Jamin Hoggard and Rob Synovec, “Targeted PARAFAC Analysis with a Custom GUI for GC x GC x TOFMS Data” and Fang Cheng, Laura J. […]


Eigenvector University 2007

Apr 28, 2007

Our annual series of chemometrics short courses starts tomorrow morning, April 29. So I’m sitting here at the Washington Athletic Club and enjoying a beverage and thinking about the week to come. We’re all set–the computers were delivered this morning and Scott came and installed software this afternoon. Jeremy will come tomorrow morning with all […]


DataSet Object — Letter to MathWorks March 15, 2007

Apr 19, 2007

Dear [MathWorks]: It seems to me that the best solution to the DataSet Object (DSO) conflict is that we merge the functions and create something that is compatible with both systems. The resulting code could be something that you manage provided that we have some say on what functionality gets added so that it doesn’t […]


DataSet Object Conflict

Apr 18, 2007

In 2001 the software developers at EvRI (at the time that was Neal, Rasmus and myself) started thinking about how we could improve the organization of the data sets users analyze with PLS_Toolbox. The problem was that a typical data set contains a fair number of pieces, (including the data matrix, wavelength and/or time axes, […]


Welcome to “The View from Eigenvector”

Apr 14, 2007

The word “view” has many definitions. One of them is “a scene or vista,” and in fact, the picture at the top of this page is what I see out my office window here in Wenatchee, Washington. The mountains on the left and center are the Stuart range, and on the right you see Mt. […]



Jan 11, 2007

Eigenvector Research, Inc. (EVRI) is a Chemometrics Research and Applications Company located in Wenatchee, Washington, USA. Our mission is to provide advanced chemometrics support for the semiconductor and chemical process industries, consumer product manufacturers and analytical instrument developers. Our goal is to be your complete source for state-of-the-art chemometric tools and know-how. More information on […]