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Student and Academic Licenses

Mar 25, 2008

NOTE: Current pricing can be found here.

I’ve recently fielded a couple of questions about software licenses for class room and academic research use. So I’d like to take this opportunity to outline our policy.

In addition to Industrial licenses for our PLS_Toolbox and Solo products, we also offer Student and Academic licenses, both fully functional.

Student licenses are free, and are actually extended demos, with a six month expiration. They are intended for use by students when taking a class with a chemometric component. Typically, course instructors send us a list of students, with email addresses, who will be using these licenses. We set them up in our system, and send each of them an email with download instructions for the software. Note that, like demos, student licenses only allow download of the p-coded MATLAB m-files, so they can’t view the contents of the files. Aside from that, the software is the same as for our industrial and academic licenses.

Academic licenses are intended for long term academic research (such as thesis research), and are available at greatly reduced prices compared to our industrial rates (e.g. $395 for PLS_Toolbox 4.2 versus $995 industrial). These licenses don’t expire, include one year of support, maintenance and upgrades, and contain the source m-files.

The PLS_Toolbox manual, included as a .pdf with each software download, contains extensive tutorials on linear algebra, use of MATLAB, and of course all the major chemometric techniques, such as PCA, PCR, PLS, multi-way methods, etc. It makes an excellent text, and its free!

Let us know if you plan to teach a course with a chemometric component. We’d be happy to work with you to set your class up.