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The View from Eigenvector

EigenNews and EigenViews from Barry and the Eigenvector staff.

The View from Eigenvector

Properties of PLS

Sep 28, 2008

As part of my sabbatical here at the Automatic Control Laboratory at EPFL, I was asked to give a seminar. I wanted to talk about some of the work I’d done lately concerning properties of PLS, and differences between PLS algorithms, pretty much the same material I’d presented as a poster at CAC-2008 in Montpellier. […]


Eigenvector Company Profile

Aug 25, 2008

“Who are those guys?” * If anybody asks you that about us, we’ve got an answer for them in 16 slides: The Eigenvector Company Profile. It’s a short profile of EVRI, including some information about our company history, software products, personnel, short courses and consulting services. “Hey, Butch?” “What?” “They’re very good.” BMW * With […]


Definition of Academic

Aug 25, 2008

Eigenvector offers academic discounts on our software and short courses, such as our upcoming Basic Chemometrics in Rome. Everyone, of course, likes a discount, so we get a lot of questions regarding how to qualify as an academic. If you do a Google search on “definition academic” you’ll come up with quite a few choices. […]


Chuck Miller to Chair Next IDRC “Chambersburg” Meeting

Aug 11, 2008

I’m pleased to announce that Eigenvector’s Dr. Charles E. “Chuck” Miller has been elected chair of the 2010 International Diffuse Reflectance Conference, aka the “Chambersburg” Meeting. IDRC has been held every other year since 1982 and is one of the premier conferences on NIR spectroscopy and related fields. It is organized by the Council for […]


Update on Chemometrics in Rome

Aug 6, 2008

Details are now available for our Basic Chemometrics in Rome, Italy, short course. Rasmus Bro will be joining me for this 3 day, hands-on course October 27-29, 2008. The course page includes additional information about Rome, the course content, registration, prices, and nearby lodging. If there is anything you can’t find, please let me know! […]


Software as Automobile

Jul 22, 2008

If your chemometrics software package were an automobile, what would it look like? Sorry, couldn’t resist! 🙂 BMW


Chemometrics Short Course in Rome, October 27-29, 2008

Jul 16, 2008

Some time ago I asked Rasmus Bro if he would be interested in teaching a short course with me in Europe this fall. He said, “Yes, and I really want to go to Rome!” Fortunately, I’d been in contact lately with Dr. Giovanni Visco of Rome University Chemistry Department regarding the CMA4CH meeting. Dr. Visco […]


Sabbatical at EPFL

Jul 16, 2008

In September of 2007 I received an offer I couldn’t refuse. When Professor Dominique Bonvin of Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) wrote and asked if there was a chance to have me spend some time there in 2008, it didn’t take long for me to send back a positive response. Besides the fact that […]


IUPAC Glossary of Chemometric Terms and Concepts

Jul 16, 2008

Nomenclature has been a subject of some discussion within the chemometrics community, such as on the list ICS-L. I recall exchanges dealing with the definition of various terms such as “factor,” “latent variable,” and “principal component.” Its clear that we don’t all use these terms in exactly the same way. For the most part, this […]


CAC-2008 Poster Prize Winners

Jul 4, 2008

Eigenvector was pleased to sponsor the “Best Poster” prize at CAC-2008. The top three poster presenters all received a certificate good for a copy of PLS_Toolbox or Solo (well, OK, it wasn’t exactly a certificate, it was one of my business cards with “Good for one PLS_Toolbox” written on the back!). The top poster also […]


More from CAC-2008

Jul 4, 2008

Its been a long week, absolutely packed. I haven’t gotten to every session, but I thought I’d include a few notes about several more talks I really enjoyed. Selena Richards presented “Self-Modeling Curve Resolution: a new approach to recovering temporal metabolite signal modulation in NMR spectroscopic data: Application to a life-long caloric restriction in dogs.” […]


Update from CAC-2008

Jul 3, 2008

Greetings from Montpellier, where Jeremy and I are attending CAC-2008. We’re now into our third day of the conference, and it has gotten off to a good start. I thought I’d just take a minute and highlight several talks that I really enjoyed. Brynn Hibbert presented “Analysis of variance of complex data sets using GEMANOVA: […]


NIPALS versus Lanczos Bidiagonalization

Jun 24, 2008

In 2007, Randy Pell, Scott Ramos and Rolf Manne (PRM) ignited a controversy when they published “The model space in PLS regression.” Their paper pointed out that the X-block residuals in different PLS packages were not the same. Specifically, packages which use the NIPALS or SIMPLS method for PLS (including PLS_Toolbox/Solo, Unscrambler and SIMCA-P) produce […]


CAC-2008 in Montpellier, France

Jun 23, 2008

The Eleventh Conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry, CAC-2008, begins next week in Montpellier, France. The conference runs from June 30 through July 4. All indications are that it will be a great conference. The organizers say that attendance is will be close to 350, which must be a record for CAC. Eigenvector will be […]


Chemometrics Software Prices

Jun 13, 2008

I was doing a little market research the other day, trying to find out what our competitors charge for their software. As it turns out, it’s somewhat difficult to get prices for several of them. EVRI publishes its price list, as does Infometrix. So if you want to find out the price of PLS_Toolbox, or […]


Network and Floating Licenses

Jun 12, 2008

The majority of the licenses we sell for PLS_Toolbox and our other products are single user licenses, though they might be more correctly called single computer licenses. Our license agreement, (which is based on the license agreement used by The MathWorks for their toolboxes), states “This license permits licensee to install and use one copy […]


Pietro Cosentino wins Best Presentation Prize at CMA4CH 2008

Jun 5, 2008

The Multivariate Analysis and Chemometrics Applied to Environment and Cultural Heritage conference, CMA4CH, was held on Ventotene Island, Italy, June 1-4, 2008. This somewhat specialized conference focuses on how multivariate techniques can be used to improve understanding of the environment and cultural artifacts. EVRI was pleased to be a sponsor of CMA4CH, and provided a […]


EigenU 2008 Recap

May 12, 2008

Wow, what a week! Fourteen courses, forty students, and eight instructors all in six days. This has to be as much chemometrics as has ever been learnt in one week in one place, ever. OK, I may be a bit biased, but the third edition of Eigenvector University went really well. Students from as far […]


EigenU 2008 Best Posters

May 11, 2008

This year the Eigenvector University poster session was held in conjunction with the Center for Process Analytical Chemistry’s spring meeting dinner event. The EigenU crowd hopped a bus at the WAC and was whisked out to the University of Washington, where they hooked up with CPAC at the UW Club. Almost 20 posters were presented, […]


Compiling PLS_Toolbox

Apr 17, 2008

The MathWorks MATLAB® Compiler™ can be used to develop stand-alone applications based on MATLAB code. The current version of the Compiler supports the full MATLAB language, objects (including custom class objects), most of the TMW MATLAB toolboxes and user-developed GUIs. As such, its a pretty handy tool for creating custom applications that can be redistributed. […]