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Another EigenU Complete!

May 26, 2009

The fourth edition of Eigenvector University came to a close last Friday, May 22. The week-long EigenU 2009 had 25 participants from a wide variety of industries and universities. This was somewhat smaller than 2008, but still a good showing given the current state of the economy. Of course, we think it’s the really smart companies that use the slow times to improve the skill sets of their employees!

As usual, the kind folks at the WAC took good care of us. Many thanks to Rick, Amanda, Wayne, Joe, Joshua, Timothy, Bernie, Randall, Eddie, Quentin and all the rest that kept us hydrated and well-fed.

Speaking of well-fed, we all enjoyed Thursday evening’s workshop dinner at Torchy’s. Here everyone contemplates the dinner choices while discussing the day’s courses, which included Chuck and Bob’s “Implementing Chemometrics in PAT,” Rasmus’ “Variable Selection,” and Willem’s “Chemometrics in Mass Spectrometry.”

EigenU 2009 Dinner at Torchy\'s

Thanks to all the course participants for braving the swine flu panic to join us! Also, to the 8 “Eigenvectorian” instructors (Scott, Jeremy, Willem, Neal, Chuck, Bob, Rasmus and myself) for developing and leading the courses.

EigenU 2010 is tentatively scheduled for May 16-21, 2010. In the mean time, catch one of our courses at SIMS XVII, FACSS or EAS, or contact me to schedule in-house training!