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The View from Eigenvector

EigenNews and EigenViews from Barry and the Eigenvector staff.

The View from Eigenvector

MATLAB R2014b and PLS_Toolbox 7.9

Oct 7, 2014

The MathWorks released MATLAB R2014b (version 8.4) last week, and right on its heels we released PLS_Toolbox 7.9. R2014b has a number of improvements that MATLAB and PLS_Toolbox users will appreciate, specifically with graphics. The new MATLAB is more aesthetically pleasing to the eye, easier for the Color Vision Deficiency (CVD) challenged, and smoother due […]


Eigenvector Starts 20th Year

Jan 6, 2014

On New Year’s day 2014 Eigenvector Research, Inc. (EVRI) celebrated its 19th birthday and began its 20th year. The momentum that carried us into 2013 built throughout the year and resulted in our largest year-over-year software sales increase since 2007. Our best three software sales months ever have all been within the last five months. […]


Eigenvector Summit 2013

Aug 26, 2013

The Eigenvector staff is pretty spread out geographically. We have people in four cities in Washington, plus folks in Indiana and North Carolina. And then there’s our Associate Rasmus Bro in Denmark. So we don’t get together, other than virtually, very often. Generally we’re only together at Eigenvector University each spring in Seattle. But we’re […]


Chemometrics Training and QbD

Jun 13, 2013

Emil W. Ciurczak wrote a nice blog post for PharmaEvolution claiming that the weak link in QbD is a lack of adequately trained chemometricians. I enjoyed his article, Chemometrics: The Weak Link in QbD, and I agree wholeheartedly with the conclusion that “the need for correct and in-depth chemometrics training is necessary for a successful […]


EigenU Poster Session: Apple iPad mini and iPod nano ordered

Apr 29, 2013

Each year at Eigenvector University we host a PLS_Toolbox/Solo User Poster Session and User Group Meeting. This is a fun event as it gives our users a chance to show what they have been doing with our tools. It is also a chance for them to relax, have a beverage, and give us input on […]


Chemometrics Q&A at FOSS Video

Jan 28, 2013

We have developed a collaboration with FOSS where we teach an open chemometrics course at their World Headquarters in Hillerød, Denmark, each fall. During our last course, the FOSS folks asked if I would do an interview for their NIRPerformance.com website. The website is a resource for Feed industry professionals who work with Near Infrared […]


MATLAB Version Distribution

Jan 24, 2013

One of the challenges of writing software that works with MATLAB is accommodating an array of versions. For better or worse, not everybody updates their MATLAB regularly. So we have to make our PLS_Toolbox and other toolboxes work with a fairly wide distribution of MATLABs. To give you some idea of what our developers are […]


2012 Another Good Year for EVRI, on to 2013!

Jan 16, 2013

2012 is in the books and it was another good year for EVRI. Once again our year-over-year software sales were up. The end of the year was especially good. November was our best software sales month ever until December, which was better still! We move into 2013, our 19th year, with a renewed sense of […]


What’s Unique About Your PLS?

Jan 10, 2013

I got an email from a prospective user of our software the other day that really set me back. Paraphrasing a bit here, it was “Are there any unique features of your PLS algorithm/diagnostics?” The problem with questions like this one is that I never know where to start. But here is what I wrote. […]


Bruce Kowalski

Dec 3, 2012

I was sitting in a cubicle in the United Club at Chicago O’Hare when I learned of Bruce Kowalski’s passing. The news was not unexpected, but it was still tough, in part due to my whereabouts in a busy place but with no friends or family. Additional memories factored in: I had also been in […]


Find Jeremy Shaver at EAS Next Week

Nov 8, 2012

Eigenvector’s Chief of Technology Development Dr. Jeremy Shaver is getting ready to head off to the Eastern Analytical Symposium (EAS). He’ll be busy on Sunday and Monday assisting Eigenvector Associate Dr. Don Dahlberg with Chemometrics without Equations (CWE). As I wrote previously, this year the popular CWE is being extended by a day to cover […]


New Releases: PLS_Toolbox/Solo/Solo+MIA 7.0, MIA_Toolbox 2.8

Oct 30, 2012

New versions of our MATLAB-based PLS_Toolbox and MIA_Toolbox were released earlier this month, along with updates to our stand-alone packages Solo and Solo+MIA. PLS_Toolbox and its derivatives, Solo and Solo+MIA, are now in version 7.0, while MIA_Toolbox is in version 2.8. As can be seen in the release notes, the list of enhancements and additions […]


Thanks to FOSS!

Oct 25, 2012

Rasmus Bro and I wrapped up another short course today, this time at FOSS World Headquarters in Hillerød, DENMARK. We’d like to thank our students, another great group, and especially our host at FOSS, Lars Nørgaard, Senior Manager of FOSS Team Chemometric Development. Lars makes it easy for us to hold this course as the […]


Chemometrics without Equations Extended at EAS

Oct 17, 2012

The popular Chemometrics without Equations (CWE) series will be extended at the Eastern Analytical Symposium (EAS) this year with the addition of a second day, CWE II. While the original CWE focuses on the basics of Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression, CWE II will explore advanced data preprocessing methods and […]


Introducing Megan Kogut

Oct 16, 2012

Megan Kogut, Ph.D., joined our staff last month as our new Director of Strategic Communications. Like many of her fellow Eigenvectorians, Megan comes with a unique and distinctive set of qualifications. Dr. Kogut received her Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2002. Since then she’s held several positions, including lecturer at […]


Off to SCIX 2012 in Kansas City

Sep 25, 2012

EVRI will have a strong presence at SCIX 2012 (formerly FACSS) next week, September 30 to October 5. Eigenvectorians Jeremy Shaver, Bob Roginski and Randy Bishop will be busy teaching, speaking and representing Eigenvector. EVRI is offering two hands-on short courses at SCIX: Chemometrics without Equations (CWE) and the follow-on Advanced Chemometrics without Equations (ACWE). […]


Chemometrics Software for Classroom Use

Sep 17, 2012

Autumn is nearly here and with it comes the first semester of the school year. This morning I was greeted by a sign of fall: a slew of student account creation notifications, drifting into my email inbox like falling leaves. At EVRI, we work with professors to make our software freely available to students enrolled […]


By Popular Demand: EigenU Online

Jun 22, 2012

At the last several editions of Eigenvector University (aka EigenU) our beginning track courses have been consistently overbooked. This includes the first three days of courses consisting of Linear Algebra for Chemometricians, MATLAB for Chemometricians, Chemometrics I: PCA, and Chemometrics II: Regression and PLS. There were also EigenU attendees with schedule conflicts that made it […]


EigenU 2012 Poster Session Winners

May 21, 2012

EigenU 2012, the Seventh Annual Eigenvector University, was held last week at the Washington Athletic Club in Seattle. Our Tuesday evening PLS_Toolbox/Solo User poster session gave EigenU attendees a chance to unwind with hors d’oeuvres and beverages and discuss some chemometric applications. This year’s posters were judged by Paul Geladi, professor of Chemometrics at SLU, […]


iPods Ordered!

Apr 27, 2012

The Seventh Annual Eigenvector University starts in just over two weeks on Sunday, May 13, 2012. We’re looking forward to a busy week, including the PLS_Toolbox/Solo User Poster Session. This Tuesday evening event showcases research done by our users. Presenters of the two best posters go home with Apple iPod nanos. I ordered them today, […]