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Off to SCIX 2012 in Kansas City

Sep 25, 2012

EVRI will have a strong presence at SCIX 2012 (formerly FACSS) next week, September 30 to October 5. Eigenvectorians Jeremy Shaver, Bob Roginski and Randy Bishop will be busy teaching, speaking and representing Eigenvector.

EVRI is offering two hands-on short courses at SCIX: Chemometrics without Equations (CWE) and the follow-on Advanced Chemometrics without Equations (ACWE). CWE will be presented as a two-day course, September 30-October 1 (Sunday-Monday), while ACWE is one day, October 3 (Wednesday). Jeremy, Bob and Randy will be tag-teaming as instructors, so participants will get a chance to interact with all three of them. They each have abundant experience in the field of chemometrics, but somewhat different perspectives, so it should make for lively courses. Registration can be done on-site.

As usual, EVRI will be involved with the Technical Sessions. At 2:20 Monday afternoon Jeremy will present “Data Sampling for Extending the Life of NIR-based Models” in Chicago C. This talk deals with the problem of updating models using historical (non-designed) data. Methods for selecting data subsets are compared relative to the goal of improving the model while minimizing costs. Bob will present the poster “Target Detection Applied to Detection of Adulterants in Powdered Raw Material using Near Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging” at the Wednesday morning poster session in the Exhibit Hall. An application of detecting melamine in wheat gluten is shown.

The Exhibit opens Monday evening with a reception from 5:30 to 7:30. This is always a fun event, so be sure to stop by Booth 47 for your complimentary Eigenvector Bottle Opener. The Exhibit is also open Tuesday 9:00-4:30 and Wednesday 9:00-4:00. The Eigenguys will be demoing the upcoming PLS_Toolbox and Solo version 7, to be released this fall.

Jeremy will also represent Eigenvector on the panel of the Student Free Lunch and Employment Discussion on Tuesday.

It will be a busy week. Have fun, Jeremy, Bob and Randy!