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Chuck Miller to take position at Merck

Oct 24, 2009

Charles E. “Chuck” Miller will be leaving Eigenvector as of October 31, 2009. Chuck will be taking a position with Merck in West Point, PA. This is a nice opportunity for Chuck–he’ll be involved in implementing Process Analytical Technology (PAT). Given Chuck’s knowledge of chemometrics, getting systems on-line, and NIR spectroscopy, it should be a good fit.

We understand that knowledge of chemometrics, MATLAB, PLS_Toolbox and EVRI’s other software products were some of the key things that got Chuck the job. We hope he’ll have an chance to continue to work with us in his new capacity. We expect we haven’t seen the last of him!

We are currently in the process of transitioning Chuck’s projects to other Eigenvectorians. While this will mean that the rest of us on the consulting staff (Neal, Jeremy, Willem, Bob and myself) will go from busy to very busy, we expect we’ll be able to pick up the work fairly seamlessly. If you have any questions about this, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

I’m sure you’ll all join me in wishing Chuck and family the best of luck in his new location!