Report from FACSS
Oct 6, 2011
This year’s Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies meeting (FACSS) was quite vibrant. The number of participants was up from recent years, with close to 1200 registrants. Attendance at the technical sessions and traffic at the exhibit was good.
As usual, EVRI was there in force. Our booth crew is shown above, including me, Chief of Technology Development Jeremy M. Shaver, Vice-President Neal B. Gallagher, and Senior Research Scientist Randy Bishop.
We especially enjoyed the Monday evening reception, where we gave away beer in our Eigenvector logo bottle koozies. Anna Cavinato of Eastern Oregon University is shown at left with a beer and koozie along with all the usual trade show accoutrements (including badge, necklace, wine glass, frisbee, product literature, t-shirt, etc.). We also made sure we were first in line on Tuesday when HORIBA Scientific gave away free hot dogs and beer for lunch.
The organizers of FACSS also announced that the conference name has been changed to SCIX, short for Scientific Exchange. SCIX 2012 will be in Kansas City, Missouri.
As noted in the previous post, the Eigenvectorians also presented four talks, Jeremy co-taught the Analytical Raman Spectroscopy Workshop, Neal co-chaired a session on General Forensics, and Eigenvector sponsored sessions on Chemometrics and Data Fusion and Chemometrics for Process Analysis. On top of that there was booth duty, attending talks, reviewing posters, and the Raman and SAS receptions. It was a busy time!
EVRI would like to thank the organizers of FACSS 2011, especially Exhibits Chair Mike Carrabba, Workshop Chairs Brandye Smith-Goettler and Heather Brooke, and of course Cindi Lilly and her crew. Great meeting! See you next year!