Multivariate Image Analysis add-on for PLS_Toolbox
Hyperspectral Image Analysis in PLS_Toolbox
MIA_Toolbox for Multivariate Image Analysis expands the already comphrehensive PLS_Toolbox functionality with many image-specific functions, and builds on PLS_Toolbox interfaces to make analysis of multivariate images simple and intuitive.
With MIA_Toolbox, hyperspectral images from microscopy to remote sensing can be easily analyzed using your familiar PLS_Toolbox tools. Load, manipulate, and analyze multivariate images in the Analysis graphical interface. Enjoy higher-level command-line functions. Perform Principal Components Analysis, Multivariate Curve Resolution (ALS and Purity), SIMCA and PLSDA classification, K-Means clustering, and even PLS or PCR regression. MIA_Toolbox also adds functions designed to take advantage of the special “spatial” relationship inherent in a multivariate image including functions like Evolving Window Factor Analysis and Maximal Autocorrelative Factors, and a suite of Texture functions.
NOTE: The functionality of MIA_Toolbox is available in our stand-alone product Solo+MIA.
Key Features:
- “Automatic image display” technology to recognize and automatically present appropriate model results in image format.
- Image importing and building functions to make assembly of multivariate /images easier.
- Image specific functions including EWFA, MAF, and an image-enhanced Cluster analysis.
- Texture-analysis functions which encode the texture in an image into a vector for pattern or regression analysis.
- Edge detection, image erosin and morphing tools.
- Opotex TIFF an dLispix RAW file importers.
- Enables most standard PLS_Toolbox functions to work with /images.
System Requirements
Requires PLS_Toolbox and MATLAB® (see PLS_Toolbox System Requirements). MIA_Toolbox does not require other MATLAB toolboxes other than PLS_Toolbox. Like most MATLAB toolboxes, MIA_Toolbox is platform independent. It will function on any platform on which MATLAB functions (e.g. MAC, PC, Linux).
NOTE: You must upgrade your PLS_Toolbox to the corresponding latest version to use MIA_Toolbox.
Product Support:
Eigenvector Research offers user support for PLS_Toolbox by e-mail at helpdesk@eigenvector.com. Questions are almost always answered within 24 hours (and usually much less). Updates and bug fixes will be available for users to download from our web site. For information on other support options, see our technical support page.
Get More Information:
- Download a fully functional 45-day demo
- Learn about our latest release
- View the Software User Guide on-line
- View the License Maintenance Agreement
Order MIA_Toolbox
- Users with current License Maintenance Agreements:
download the newest version now. IT’S FREE! - New users: order MIA_Toolbox on-line.
For information on multi-client servers, site-licenses, and OEM options, contact us by phone (509.662.9213) or e-mail (sales@eigenvector.com). Our product pricelist information page includes pricing and other order information for all of our products.