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The View from Eigenvector

EigenNews and EigenViews from Barry and the Eigenvector staff.

The View from Eigenvector

Python is free

Apr 5, 2022

PLS_Toolbox is not free.  But you don’t have to be a dedicated data scientist to use PLS_Toolbox (or its stand-alone equivalent Solo). Many of its users are, but the real expertise of most users is in something else such as analytical instrumentation (typically spectroscopy) or the specific problem they are working on (e.g. chemical process […]


Under Same (Old) Management

Oct 21, 2021

That’s not a headline you see very often. Usually it’s “Under New Management.” But here at Eigenvector Research we’re proud of our stability. I wrote the first version of our MATLAB-based PLS_Toolbox while I was in graduate school thirty-one years ago. I still oversee its development along with our other software products. In 1990 Partial […]