The View from Eigenvector
EigenNews and EigenViews from Barry and the Eigenvector staff.

Dec 26, 2023

Jonathan Stratton of Optimal posted a nice summary on LinkedIn of the 2nd Annual PAT and Real Time Quality Summit which took place in Boston this month. In it he included the following bullet point: “The age-old concept of data modeling with spectroscopy has been revitalized through the integration of Machine Learning and AI initiatives. […]
Why Solo?
Aug 30, 2023

Eigenvector Software Explained
Jun 15, 2023

Eigenvector Research produces a variety of software products for chemometrics and machine learning and we often get asked how they work together. Here’s the roadmap! We have two main packages for modeling, our MATLAB® based PLS_Toolbox, and our stand alone Solo (with versions for Windows, macOS and Linux). Solo is the compiled version of PLS_Toolbox, […]
Chemometrics without Equations
Nov 29, 2022

In 1988 Donald Dahlberg, Professor of Chemistry at Lebanon Valley College (LVC), decided to take a sabbatical leave at the University of Washington (UW) Center for Process Analytical Chemistry (CPAC). At the time, his former student Mary Beth Seasholtz was a second year graduate student in Bruce Kowalski’s Laboratory for Chemometrics. Mary Beth asked Don […]
Eigenvector Turns 25
Jan 1, 2020
Eigenvector Research, Inc. was founded on January 1, 1995 by myself and Neal B. Gallagher, so we’re now 25 years old. On this occasion I feel that I should write something though I’m at a bit of loss with regards to coming up with a significantly profound message. In the paragraphs below I’ve written a […]
The Software Sweet Spot for Metabolomics
Aug 21, 2019
I attended Metabolomics 2019 and was pleased to find a rapidly expanding discipline populated with very enthusiastic researchers. Applications ranged from developing plants with increased levels of nutrients to understanding cancer metabolism. Metabolomics experiments, however, produce extremely large and complex data sets. Consequently, the ultimate success of any experiment in metabolomics hinges on the software […]