The View from Eigenvector
EigenNews and EigenViews from Barry and the Eigenvector staff.
PLS_Toolbox and MATLAB 2025a
Jan 23, 2025
Eigenvector Research has always worked to make PLS_Toolbox compatible with the most current version of MATLAB, plus an approximate five year window of older versions. Compatibility with the upcoming MATLAB 2025a, however, presents unique challenges. In their transition to an entirely HTML-based interface, The MathWorks (TMW) has removed support for Java in 2025a. As a […]
The Software Sweet Spot for Metabolomics
Aug 21, 2019
I attended Metabolomics 2019 and was pleased to find a rapidly expanding discipline populated with very enthusiastic researchers. Applications ranged from developing plants with increased levels of nutrients to understanding cancer metabolism. Metabolomics experiments, however, produce extremely large and complex data sets. Consequently, the ultimate success of any experiment in metabolomics hinges on the software […]