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Software Engineer Sought

Jun 19, 2009

The current recession hasn’t slowed things down here at Eigenvector. In fact, we’re looking for another Software Engineer to help us speed up evolution of our current products and develop custom solutions for our consulting clients. Please find below an ad for the position.


Software Engineer sought for leading role in scientific software development.

Job Description:
The successful candidate will work with our Seattle-based scientific staff to develop MATLAB-based and stand-alone chemometrics products, including our flagship PLS_Toolbox and Solo. This includes design and implementation of interfaces and supporting documentation and development and refinement of numerical algorithms. Will also develop custom solutions for clients, including on-line applications.

About Eigenvector Research:
Eigenvector Research is a chemometrics research and applications company with headquarters in Wenatchee, Washington. Chemometrics is the application of mathematical and statistical methods to problems in chemistry. Our PLS_Toolbox product is used by engineers and scientists in 50+ countries. We also provide training and consulting services for a wide variety of clients in the chemical, petrochemical, consumer products, food & agriculture, pharmaceutical, semiconductor and medical device fields. For more information, please visit our website.

Position Requirements:
Must have experience with MATLAB and either C/C++ or Java, and be familiar with object-oriented programming techniques and development of graphical user interfaces. Strong math skills, especially linear algebra, desired. Background in multivariate statistics and chemical sciences a plus. Good communication skills, both oral and written, required. Must be self-starter, willing to work at home, and productive with only moderate supervision. B.S. or higher degree in chemistry, chemical engineering or other relevant scientific discipline preferred. Three years or more experience desired. Close proximity to Seattle a plus.

To Apply:
Send your cover letter and resume to Barry M. Wise, bmw@eigenvector.com.