Eigenvector University returns to Seattle, USA May 12-16, 2025 Complete Info Here!

Ready for EigenU

May 14, 2010

Eigenvector University 2010 starts in just 2 days. We’re busy doing the final tune-ups on our course notes, making final catering arrangements, etc. I hope that all our guests are ready to get out of their offices for a while and spend some time “sharpening the saw.”

This year’s EigenU will be the biggest ever, with over 45 attendees (not everybody is there every day) plus 10 Eigenvectorians (Neal Gallagher, Jeremy Shaver, Bob Roginski, Scott Koch, Donal O’Sullivan, Randy Bishop, Willem Windig, Bruce Kowalski, Rasmus Bro and myself). So while things might be a bit crowded at times, we’ll have plenty of staff on hand to help with questions whether they’re on the practical aspects of the software or philosophical aspects of multivariate modeling.

Our first evening event is the MATLAB/PLS_Toolbox User Poster session on Tuesday, 5:30-7:30. I’m pleased to announce that the poster contest judges will be Bruce Kowalski, and Brian Rohrback, President of Infometrix, makers of the Pirouette chemometrics package. The two best posters win iPod nanos. We’ll let you know who won!