Rasmus Bro Wins Wold Medal
Jun 9, 2011
The 10th Wold Medal was presented at the Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics, SSC12, in Billund, Denmark, this evening. Professor Rasmus Bro accepted the award from past winner Johan Trygg of Umeå University. Rasmus credited Lars Munck for development of the group at University of Copenhagen and enabling him to flourish there. He also mentioned the late Sijmen de Jong as being one of the great people he worked with and dedicated the award to him.
The Wold Medal, named for Herman Wold, father of Partial Least Squares (PLS) methods, honors individuals who have contributed greatly to the field of chemometrics. Rasmus is a worthy recipient, having published over 100 papers in the field, particularly in multi-way analysis. Prof. Bro is also know for his teaching, MATLAB-based multi-way software, and as being a great ambassador for the field. Rasmus is shown below with the Wold medal.
Past recipients of the Wold medal include Svante Wold, Agnar Höskuldsson, Harald Martens, John MacGregor, Rolf Carlson, Olav Kvalheim, Pentti Minkinen, Michael Sjöström and Johan Trygg.
Congratulations Rasmus! Well deserved!