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New software releases coming in October

Sep 11, 2009

The Eigenvector programming staff has been working hard all summer, and the fruits of their labor are just about ripe! In October we plan to release new and substantially improved versions of PLS_Toolbox, MIA_Toolbox, Solo, and Solo+MIA. For a rundown of the most significant improvements see the new features brochure.

I’m especially excited about the improvements to our Multivariate Image Analysis (MIA) tools. Our MATLAB-based MIA_Toolbox has undergone it’s most extensive upgrade since it’s introduction. It now features a new interface for organizing, editing and viewing images. There is also a new Texture Analysis interface, and lots of new image manipulation and filtering tools.

Our stand-alone Solo+MIA has all the features of the new MIA_Toolbox (of course!). Plus, we’re making Solo+MIA available for 64-bit operating systems. This makes working with the often very large images produced by advanced analytical techniques much more efficient.

We plan to release our new versions after the FACSS meeting, October 18-22. If you’d like to see them before then, visit us next week at SIMS XVII in Toronto, or at FACSS 2009 in Louisville. Better yet, take one of our hands-on courses at FACSS, where we’ll be using our new versions.

The best chemometrics software just keeps getting better!