LCVSF Awards 22 Scholarships
Aug 9, 2023
The Lake Chelan Valley Scholarship Fund (LCVSF) received 48 applications for 2023 and has awarded 22 scholarships, each in the amount of $2500. Awards went to 7 previous award winners now in their second, third or fourth year of study, as well as 10 graduates from Chelan High School (CHS) and 5 graduates from Manson High School (MHS) class of 2023.
CHS 2023 graduate awardees are Ryan Allen, Macie Cowan, Melina Cruz-Magallon, Irene Hernandez, Arden Paglia, Kaylee Patino, Kimberly Pineda, Mariana Sanchez-Mendoza, Tate Sandoval and Lauren Ware. MHS 2023 graduate awardees are Lissett Hernandez, Mackenzie Marble, Briseida Mendez-Resendez, Jude Petersen and Alondra Serrato Bailon. Renewals include Quinn Stamps and Casey Simpson (4th award for each), Cody Fitzpatrick (3rd award), Savannah Gresham, Odaliz Ordaz, Titus Peterson and Zoee Stamps (2nd award for each).
LCVSF board president Betsy Kronschnabel observed “It’s great to see renewals from students that are succeeding at their chosen school and are receiving awards for multiple years. Unlike many other scholarships, the LCVSF awards help students throughout their undergraduate education.”
The LCVSF was made possible by Dr. Doug and Eva Dewar (shown below), who wished that their estates be used to help the children of the Chelan Valley. Though they had no children of their own, they loved kids and helped many young people throughout their lives. The Dewars wished to enable motivated, well rounded students to further their education, and hoped that these students would return to the Chelan Valley. LCVSF was founded in 1991, and in that year five scholarships in the amount of $1000 each were awarded. The fund has grown substantially over the years from contributions from many people, but especially significant contributions from John Gladney, Ray Bumgardner, Don & Betty Schmitten, Marion McFadden, Virginia Husted, the Dick Slaugenhaupt Memorial and Irma Keeney. Now in its 33rd year, the $55,000 awarded this year brings the total to nearly $900,000 to Chelan Valley students since its inception.

LCVSF accepts applications from residents of the Chelan valley for undergraduate education. The awards are renewable for up to four years. LCVSF welcomes applications from graduating high school seniors as well as current college students and adults returning to school.
The LCVSF board includes Betsy Kronschnabel (President), Arthur Campbell, III, Linda Mayer (Secretary), Sue Clouse, Barry M. Wise, Ph.D. and John Pleyte, M.D. (Treasurer). For further information, please contact Barry Wise at