Eigenvector University returns to Seattle, USA May 12-16, 2025 Complete Info Here!

iPods Ordered!

Apr 25, 2011

EigenU 2011 is now less than 3 weeks away: it starts on Sunday, May 15. Once again we’ll have the “PLS_Toolbox/Solo User Poster Session” where users can showcase their own chemometric achievements. This Tuesday evening event is open to all EigenU participants, as well as anyone with a poster which demonstrates how PLS_Toolbox or Solo was used in their work. Presenters of the two best posters will receive Apple iPod nanos for their effort. I ordered them today, (16G, one blue, one orange), engraved with EigenU 2011 Best Poster.

Tuesday evening will also include a short User Group meeting. We’ll give a short presentation highlighting the key features in our latest software releases and discuss directions for future development. Here is your chance to give us your wish list!

The poster session will feature complimentary hors d’oeuvres and beverages. This is a great time to mingle with colleagues and the Eigenvectorians and discuss the many ways in which chemometric methods are used.

See you in May!