EVRI Users Shine in Poster Session at ICNIRS Conference
Aug 3, 2017
Hello EigenFriends and EigenFans,

The ICNIRS conference was held June 11-15 in Copenhagen, Denmark, where close to 500 colleagues gathered for the largest forum on Near-Infared Spectroscopy in the world. The conference featured several keynote lectures, classes taught by EVRI associate Professor Rasmus Bro, and also held several poster sessions where over 20 conference attendees displayed their research using EVRI software! We’d like to feature some of the posters and authors below: thanks for using our software, everyone!
- Y. Allouche, J.A. Fernandez Perna, V. Baeten, & A. Jimenez. “On-line Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics for Characterization of Olive Oils at the Exit of a Decanter Centrifuge”
- C. Y. Bastidas, C. von Plessing, J. Troncoso, & R. del Pilar Castillo. “Quantification of an Antibiotic in Salmon Feed Pellets with NIR Spectroscopy and Multivariate Calibration”
- B. Carrasco, D. Vincke, V. Baeten, & J.A. Fernandez Perna. “Application of Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics for the Characterization of Complex Mixtures of Food Additives”
- M. Chaudhry, G. Colelli, & M. Amodio.“Potential of Hyperspectral Imaging to Predict Quality and Shelf-Life of Fresh Rocket Leaves to be Used for Fresh-Cut Processing”
- S.Duthen, D. Kleiber, J. Dayde, C. Raynaud, & C. Levasseur-Garcia. “Determination of the Moisture Content of Gelatin Sample”
- D. Eylenbosch, J. A. Fernandez Pierna, V. Baeten, & B. Bodson. “Comparison of PLS and SVM Discriminant Analysis for NIR Hyperspectral Data of Wheat Roots in Soil”
- L. Franca, S. Grassi, M. F. Pimentel, & J. M. Amigo. “Handcraft Beer Monitoring Using NIR Handheld Equipment”
- R. Gasbarrone, S. Serranti & G. Bonifazi. “An Investigation on Non-ferrous Metals Particles Separability from Electronic Scraps using Hyperspectral Imaging and Micro-XRF Analysis”
- S. Montagneir, J. Lallemand, P. Herbert, J. Guilment, & S. Roussel. “Discriminant Strategies for Polymer Identification during Continuous On-line Processes by Near Infrared Spectroscopy”

- R. Palmieri, S. Serranti, G. Bonifazi, & F. Maffei. “Monitoring of Microplastics from Marine Environment Adopting HyperSpectral Imaging”
- J. F. Q. Pereira, C. S. Silva, M. J. Vieira, M. F. Pimentel, A. Braz, & R. S. Honorato. “Evaluation and Identification of Blood Stains in Crime Scenes with Ultra-portable NIR Spectrometer”
- Y. Pu, D. Sun, C. Riccioli, M. Buccheri, M. Grassi, T. M. P. Cattaneo, & A. Gowen. “Calibration Transfer from MicroNIR Spectrometer to Hyperspectral Imaging: A Case Study on Predicting Soluble Solids Content of Bananito Fruit (Musa acuminata)”
- M. M. Reis, I. Kaur, G. Weralupitiya, C. Wang, & M. G. Reis. “Near InfraRed Spectroscopy Applied to Non-invasive Assessment of Physical-chemical Attributes of Dairy Powders”
- R. Rios-Reina, D. L. Garcia-Gonzalez, R. M. Collejon, & J. M. Amigo. “Application of Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy and Chemometrics to Classify and Authentify Wine Vinegars from Different Protected Designation of Origin”
- J. Sun, A. McGlone, R. Kunnememeyer, N. Tomer, & M. Punter. “Which Optical Geometry is Best to Detect Vascular Browning in Apples?”