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Advanced Spectral Preprocessing without Equations

April 29, 2019 - May 2, 2019

Chester, UK

APACT is an open forum for the presentation and discussion of recent scientific and engineering advances relevant to process analytics and control technologies. Plenary and keynote speakers will report recent advances in the development and application of novel process analytics, predictive modeling and control technologies, and will review the benefits achieved. Following the success of previous conferences, APACT 19 will be a 3 day meeting featuring plenary and parallel sessions on topics crucial to the achievement of manufacturing excellence.

The conference is aimed at:

  • Senior managers, scientists and engineers in the process industries
  • Academics specializing in analytical science, control technologies and other related disciplines
  • Companies that develop and market PAC technologies

The program will feature invited and contributed lectures, poster presentations and a vendor exhibition, including the unique APACT Exhibitor Showcase. The meeting is an ideal forum for networking and information gathering on PAC.

The APACT 19 Conference is being held in Chester from Tuesday 30th April to Thursday 2nd May 2019.