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Eigenvector Welcomes Randy Bishop

Jul 26, 2010

All of us at EVRI would like to issue a warm, (albeit belated), welcome to Randy Bishop. Randy joined our staff in March, 2010.

We started running into Dr. Bishop about 10 years ago at FACSS meetings where he often taught experimental design. In those days he was with GE Plastics and heavily involved with Six Sigma. Since then he has worked in Process Analytical Technology (PAT) with GlaxoSmithKline and Wyeth (now Pfizer).

Randy has a wealth of experience with a broad variety of analytical methods, especially Raman spectroscopy, but also many other types of spectroscopy, spectrometry, and chromatography. He has used multivariate methods extensively and has been a leader in promoting their use among his colleagues. In fact, we’d worked with Randy to implement specific chemometric methods to make it easier for his co-workers to use them.

Beyond that, he’s fun to work with, a great guitarist, and we just love listening to his East Tennessee drawl. We look forward to working with Randy on consulting projects, our short courses (look for some new DOE offerings soon) and software development.

Welcome aboard, Randy!