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EAS Chemometrics Award Session for Romà Tauler

Jun 4, 2009

As announced in a previous post, Romà Tauler was selected as this year’s recipient of the EAS Award for Achievements in Chemometrics. Romà asked me to organize the award session, and I have happily obliged. The session will be on Tuesday afternoon, November 17. The theme of the session is “Uncertainties, Ambiguities, and Chemometrics.” Talks will include:

• Peter Wentzell, Dalhousie University, “Exploratory Data Analysis with Noisy Data”
• Anna de Juan, Universitat de Barcelona, “Using Noise Structure Knowledge in MCR Process Analysis”
• Willem Windig, Eigenvector Research, Inc., “How Being Negative Can Be Good”
• Age Smilde, University of Amsterdam, “Modeling Dynamic Metabolomics Data Using Prior Knowledge”
• Romà Tauler, Spanish Council of Scientific Research, “Ambiguities and Error Propagation Effects on Multivariate Curve Resolution Solutions”

We’re looking forward to a great session. See you in the fall!