COVID-19 Upate: Still Here to Help You
Mar 18, 2020
As with most of you, we here at Eigenvector are very concerned about the COVID-19 outbreak and its impact on our families, friends, customers and communities. We continue to monitor its evolution closely, especially in regard to our employees and their families. The direct effect of COVID-19 on the daily business of Eigenvector, however, is modest. For over 25 years now everybody, or as we say, EVRIbody in our organization has worked from home. We’re all set up to work remotely as that is how we’ve always done it. We expect to be working our usual hours for the foreseeable future with perhaps a few exceptions to work with and around spouses, children and parents now occupying our homes or needing our assistance.
We recognize that many of our colleagues are experiencing work disruptions and many are now working from home. As experienced home workers we offer here a few tips for making your home office productive and keeping your work/life balance intact.
- Start early and try to work regular hours.
- Shower, shave and dress as if you were going to the office. (The EigenGuys aren’t very good at this, especially the shaving part.)
- If you have a monitor get the level correct and set your keyboard up in a way that supports your wrists.
- Get a good chair and resist the urge to work in places that don’t promote good posture.
- A headset with noise cancellation and a good microphone is useful for Webex meetings, conference calls, regular phone calls and simply screening out distractions.
- Check in with co-workers frequently.
- Plan some time for exercise even if it’s just a walk around the block or some stretching and sets of sit-ups and push-ups. I like mid-morning for this.
- Try to stay out of the kitchen (this is tough) unless you’re using your break time to start long prep time meals (crock-pot, pizza dough, etc.).
- Set a “closing time” and try to stick to it. Spouses/partners can enforce this by setting a beer on the homeworker’s desk at the appointed time. (This always works on me!)
Many of our software users are among these new homeworkers and we are working to accommodate them. In particular, users that work with our floating license versions of PLS_Toolbox or Solo may have trouble reaching EVRI’s Floating License Server when working from home. We have just posted a video addressing this issue: Using Floating License Software Remotely. As always, if you have any questions regarding our software or online courses please contact our helpdesk and we will respond promptly. And to our consulting clients: we are available as always.
Our 15th Annual Eigenvector University, originally scheduled for April 26-May 1, has been postponed until August 16-21. We will of course continue to monitor the situation to determine if additional delays are warranted.
Finally, we also have plans to offer additional resources online. We will step up the frequency of our “EVRI-thing You Need to Know About..” webinar series to twice per month. The next one, “EVRI-thing You Need to Know About Performing PLS-DA” is Wednesday, March 25 at 8:00 am PDT, (16:00 CET). We also plan to offer a couple of our short courses via webinar in the coming months. We will let you know when plans are finalized.
Above all, stay healthy!