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Congratulations Romà!

Apr 17, 2009

This year’s Eastern Analytical Symposium Award for Achievements in Chemometrics goes to Romà Tauler. Romà is a Research Professor at CSIC, the Institute of Chemical and Environmental Research in Barcelona, Spain.

Romà continues to be a pioneer in Multivariate Curve Resolution, the collection of techniques used for decomposing spectral data into its physically meaningful underlying components. Romà has published an astounding number of papers concerning both the theoretical and practical aspects of MCR, in addition to many other papers in the general field of chemometrics.

Romà is also Editor in Chief of Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems.

Professor Tauler joins the previous EAS Chemometrics Award winners (a distinguished group if I may say so myself) listed below:

    1996-Steven D. Brown
    1997-Tormod Næs
    1998-Edmund R. Malinowski
    1999-Harald Martens
    2000-Svante Wold
    2001-Barry M. Wise
    2002-Paul Geladi
    2003-Paul Gemperline
    2004-Rasmus Bro
    2005-David Haaland
    2006-Age Smilde
    2007-Philip Hopke
    2008-John F. MacGregor

A special session honoring Romà’s achievements will be presented at this year’s EAS in November.

Eigenvector has been the sponsor of the Chemometrics Award since 2002, and we’re pleased to do it again this year. Congratulations Romà!