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Chemometrics without Equations Extended at EAS

Oct 17, 2012

The popular Chemometrics without Equations (CWE) series will be extended at the Eastern Analytical Symposium (EAS) this year with the addition of a second day, CWE II. While the original CWE focuses on the basics of Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression, CWE II will explore advanced data preprocessing methods and mixture analysis.

I have been known to say that the secret to getting good regression models is what you do before the data hits the modeling algorithm. Preprocessing methods attempt to remove extraneous variance so that the variance of interest can be more easily modeled. When done correctly, preprocessing can greatly improve model performance. CWE II covers the whys and hows of data preprocessing with examples from several methods.

Also covered in CWE II, Mixture analysis techniques, such as Multivariate Curve Resolution (MCR) aka Self-Modeling Mixture Analysis (SMMA), can elucidate the true underlying physical roots of the data, e.g. pure component spectra and chemical concentrations. As such, these methods can lead to better fundamental understanding of the systems involved.

The courses will be led by Dr. Don Dahlberg, Emeritus Professor at Lebanon Valley College. Don will be assisted by EVRI’s Chief of Technology Development Dr. Jeremy M. Shaver.

The courses will be held Sunday and Monday, November 11 and 12, at the Holiday Inn in Somerset, NJ. Registration is handled by EAS. Complete course information can be found in EAS’s Short Course Schedule and Description.