Eigenvector University Europe is in Rome, ITALY October 14-17, 2024 Complete Info Here!

Chemometrics Short Course in Rome, October 27-29, 2008

Jul 16, 2008

Some time ago I asked Rasmus Bro if he would be interested in teaching a short course with me in Europe this fall. He said, “Yes, and I really want to go to Rome!” Fortunately, I’d been in contact lately with Dr. Giovanni Visco of Rome University Chemistry Department regarding the CMA4CH meeting.

Dr. Visco has been kind enough to put us in touch with CASPUR, the nearby “Interuniversity Consortium for Supercomputing and Research,” which has good facilities for teaching a computer based course. We’re currently planning on teaching an introductory 3-day course October 27-29, 2008. The course will include:

Obviously, we’ll have to do a little editing of these courses to fit this 4.5 days worth of material into 3 days! If you have questions, please drop me a line (bmw@eigenvector.com).

See you in Rome this fall!