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Sabbatical at EPFL

Jul 16, 2008

In September of 2007 I received an offer I couldn’t refuse. When Professor Dominique Bonvin of Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) wrote and asked if there was a chance to have me spend some time there in 2008, it didn’t take long for me to send back a positive response.

Besides the fact that EPFL is in a beautiful location, (on Lake Geneva in Switzerland), Dominique’s group there at the Automatic Control Laboratory has research interests that are well aligned with Eigenvector’s, and, of course, our users. For instance, they have worked on issues surrounding MSPC and curve resolution for investigating reacting systems.

I’ll be working with Michael Amrhein on model updating schemes for batch processes. This is rather timely as we work more and more with monitoring batch processes, including semiconductor manufacturing and bioreactors. Model updating is important because these process exhibit considerable drift with time.

I’ll be spending a little more than 2 months at EPFL, arriving in the last couple days of August and leaving in the first few days of November. My wife (and assistant!) Jill, will be along, as will daughters Clare and Mattie. It should be pretty much business as usual at EVRI, though it make take a few days on either end to set up operations to process orders, etc.

I look forward to this time to “sharpen the saw.”


EigenU Poster Winners

May 1, 2007

The EigenU poster session was tonight. This is a chance for our students to show their “chemometric stuff.” The attendees of EigenU vote on the best posters. This years’s winner’s were:

Jamin Hoggard and Rob Synovec, “Targeted PARAFAC Analysis with a Custom GUI for GC x GC x TOFMS Data”


Fang Cheng, Laura J. Gamble, David W. Grainger and David G. Castner, “Examination of Suface Hydrolysis in Thin Organic Films using Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry and Principal Components Analysis”

The winners take home new Apple iPod Nanos. Congratulations to jamin and Fang!

Good job guys!


Eigenvector University 2007

Apr 28, 2007

Our annual series of chemometrics short courses starts tomorrow morning, April 29. So I’m sitting here at the Washington Athletic Club and enjoying a beverage and thinking about the week to come. We’re all set–the computers were delivered this morning and Scott came and installed software this afternoon. Jeremy will come tomorrow morning with all the class notes–once again organized by him and his wife Angela Carden. I’m patiently waiting (well, maybe not) for Bob Roginski to get here from Indiana, then we’ll be all ready for the morning.

Once again, we have about 30 students arriving from all parts of the country and overseas. Poster session has some good entries–looks like there will be some competition for the iPods!

All in all, looking forward to a good week!



Jan 11, 2007

Eigenvector Research, Inc. (EVRI) is a Chemometrics Research and Applications Company located in Wenatchee, Washington, USA. Our mission is to provide advanced chemometrics support for the semiconductor and chemical process industries, consumer product manufacturers and analytical instrument developers. Our goal is to be your complete source for state-of-the-art chemometric tools and know-how. More information on Eigenvector Research can be found on our main web page.