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Back to School Deals for Chemometrics Novices

Aug 26, 2009

NOTE: Current pricing can be found here.

That nip in the air in the morning means that back to school time has arrived. Kids of all ages are getting their supplies together, and so are their teachers.

If you are a student or instructor in a chemometrics or related class, we’ve got a deal for you! We’ll let you use demo versions of any of our data modeling software packages free-of-charge for six months. This includes our stand-alone products Solo and Solo+MIA, and our MATLAB toolboxes PLS_Toolbox, MIA_Toolbox and EMSC_Toolbox. All our demos are fully functional (no data size limitations), include all documentation and lots of example data sets.

To get started with the program, just write to me with information about the class our software will be used with (course title, instructor, start and end dates). If professors send their class list, we’ll set up accounts for all the students allowing them access to the extended demos. Alternately, students can set up their own accounts and let us know what class they are taking.

Many professors have gravitated towards using our Solo products. They don’t require MATLAB, so students can just download them and they’re ready to go. Solo and Solo+MIA work on Windows (32 and 64 bit) and Mac OS X.