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EVRI-thing You Need to Know About t-SNE & UMAP in PLS_Toolbox/Solo

Jan 6, 2022

PLS_Toolbox and Solo version 9.0 include two relatively new data visualization methods, t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) and Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP). These routines, from the scikitlearn library for Python, can now be found in our interfaces (and for PLS_Toolbox, also at the MATLAB® command line). We will introduce these methods and show how to access them in the new PLS_Toolbox and Solo.

Table of Contents

00:00 – Introduction and Outline

03:00 – A Brief Word about PLS_Toolbox/Solo

04:24 – Python Integration

05:51 – Introduction to t-SNE

14:10 – Examples

30:45 – Introduction to UMAP

39:15 – Examples

1:09:05 – Online Resources

TSNE Learning Resources

  • How to use t-SNE effectively
    • https://distill.pub/2016/misread-tsne/Understanding UMAP by Andy Coenen and Adam Pearce


UMAP Learning Resources