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Advanced Features in Barcelona

Sep 1, 2010

I’m pleased to announce that I’ll be doing a one day short course, Using the Advanced Features of PLS_Toolbox, on the University of Barcelona campus, on October 1, 2010 (one month from today!). The course will show how to use many of the powerful, but often underutilized, tools in PLS_Toolbox. It will also feature some new tools from the upcoming PLS_Toolbox 6.0, to be released this fall.

Normally, our courses focus on developing an understanding of chemometric methods such as PCA and PLS. This course is something of a departure in that it focuses on getting the most out of the software. This will give us a chance to show how to access many of the advanced features and methods implemented in PLS_Toolbox.

You can get complete information, including registration info and a course outline, on the course description page. If you have additional questions or suggestions for demos you’d like to see, contact me.

See you in Barcelona!