Eigenvector University returns to Seattle, USA May 12-16, 2025 Complete Info Here!

Best Poster iPods Ordered

Apr 28, 2010

As in past years, this year’s Eigenvector University includes a poster session where users of MATLAB, PLS_Toolbox and Solo can showcase their work in the field of chemometrics. It is also a chance to discuss unsolved problems and future directions, over a beer, no less.

This year’s crop of posters will be judged by Bruce Kowalski, co-founder of the field of chemometrics. For their efforts, the top two poster presenters will receive Apple iPod nanos! This year I’ve ordered the 16GB models that record and display video and include an FM tuner with Live Pause. These are spiffy, for sure. We’ll have one in blue (just like the EVRI logo!) and one in orange (our new highlight color, new website coming soon!). Both are engraved “Eigenvector University 2010, Best Poster.”

There is still time to enter the poster contest. Just send your abstract, describing your chemometric achievements and how you used MATLAB and/or our products, to me, bmw@eigenvector.com. Then be ready to present your poster at the Washington Athletic Club in downtown Seattle, at 5:30pm on Tuesday, May 18. The poster session is free, no need to register for EigenU classes.

You could win!