Analysis Report

Generated by barry@barry-wises-computer-2 on 04-Sep-2010 15:45:38

Analysis Details:

Linear regression model using
Partial Least Squares calculated with the SIMPLS algorithm
Developed 04-Sep-2010 15:38:9.04
Author: barry@barry-wises-computer-2
X-block: calibrate_1 155 by 348 (unnamed@unnamed@20040602T125915.010)
Included: [ 1-155 ] [ 200-547 ]
Included (in axis units): [ n/a ] [ 998-1692 ]
Preprocessing: MSC (mean), 1st Derivative (order: 2, window: 15 pt), Mean Center
Y-block: c1 155 by 1 (c1@unnamed@20040524T093942.095)
Included: [ 1-155 ] [ 3-3 ]
Preprocessing: Autoscale
Num. LVs: 3
RMSEC: 4.29738
RMSECV: 4.55185
Bias: 2.84217e-14
CV Bias: -0.0085079
R^2 Cal: 0.961527
R^2 CV: 0.956839
SSQ Table
    Percent Variance Captured by Regression Model
           -----X-Block-----    -----Y-Block-----
   Comp     This      Total      This      Total 
   ----    -------   -------    -------   -------
     1      75.33     75.33      81.15     81.15
     2      11.80     87.13      12.84     93.99
     3       7.53     94.66       2.17     96.15
This is a model of type: PLS_PRED
Developed 04-Sep-2010 15:38:55.62
Author: barry@barry-wises-computer-2
X-block: test_1 460 by 348 (unnamed@unnamed@20040602T130241.026)
Preprocessing: MSC (mean), 1st Derivative (order: 2, window: 15 pt), Mean Center
Y-block: t1 460 by 1 (t1@unnamed@20040524T094050.041)
Preprocessing: Autoscale
RMSEC: 4.29738
RMSECV: 4.55185
RMSEP: 4.3794
Bias: 2.84217e-14
CV Bias: -0.0085079
Pred Bias:-0.138226
R^2 Cal: 0.961527
R^2 CV: 0.956839
R^2 Pred: 0.92388
Preliminary PLS model for Assay

Figures associated with the analysis:

Samples/Scores - PLS 3 LVs - calibrate_1, c1
Click to view image alone - Samples/Scores - PLS 3 LVs - calibrate_1, c1
Model Statistics - PLS 3 LVs - calibrate_1, c1
Click to view image alone - Model Statistics - PLS 3 LVs - calibrate_1, c1
Samples/Scores - PLS 3 LVs - calibrate_1, c1
Click to view image alone - Samples/Scores - PLS 3 LVs - calibrate_1, c1
Variables/Loadings - PLS 3 LVs - calibrate_1, c1
Click to view image alone - Variables/Loadings - PLS 3 LVs - calibrate_1, c1